Mar 06, 2025  
The University of North Carolina at Pembroke 2019-2020 Catalog 
The University of North Carolina at Pembroke 2019-2020 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Scholarships

Lewis M. And Louise P. Austin Endowed Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is given in memory of the Donor’s parents who valued a college education and who possessed uncompromising encouragement and support for not only their own children but others who were seeking an education. The Donor established this scholarship to give back or “pay it back” to those who encouraged and supported him during his educational journey. The education he received at Pembroke State University, due to his parents’ determination, allows him today to give this scholarship in their memory.

He challenges the students who receive this scholarship to remember those people who were instrumental in their quest for an education and urges them to return the support and encouragement that helped them obtain their education at UNC Pembroke by supporting a student in the future as his parents did and as he does in their memory.

First choice for recipients of the Lewis M. and Louise P. Austin Endowed Memorial Scholarship will be residents of Marlboro County, South Carolina. There is no residency restriction, however, if no recipients can be identified from this area. There is no restriction of major, QPA, or year of study and the recipient may be of graduate or undergraduate status. The recipient shall be of demonstrated financial need and the award is renewable if funds are available.

Lacy and Alice Bacot Higher Education Scholarship Award

The donor wishes to establish this scholarship award in memory of his parents.  Lacy and Alice Bacot stressed the importance of education, and the fact that education is a lifelong possession that can never be taken away.  The donor hopes to assist a deserving student in their pursuit of a college degree at UNCP,

The recipient shall be a full-time or part-time undergraduate student, with preference for a recipient who graduated from a high school in Robeson County, N.C.  The recipient will have a financial need and must maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA.  The recipient will be in any year of study.  The award is renewable as long as the above qualifications are met.

Baldwin-Parke Endowed Memorial Scholarship*

This scholarship is given in memory of the donors daughter and sister, Elizabeth Lord Baldwin, and their brother and uncle, David D. Parke.  Ms. Baldwin was a 1986 graduate of Pembroke State University with a B. A. in Political Science.  She was an involved, active and caring student.  Mr. Parke was a pre-med student at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri when he was drafted into service during the Korean War.  He was listed as Missing in Action in 1952.  “Our nation honors her sons and daughters who answered the call to defend a country they never knew and a people they never met,”-from the Korean War Memorial in Washington, D. C.

The recipient will be a full-time student pursuing a degree in Nursing or any Medical Related Field.  They will be in their Junior or Senior year, a resident of North Carolina or military affiliated.  Recipients must maintain a minimum 3.5 QPA.

Elsmer Ray and Edith V. Barnes Endowed Scholarship

Mr. Elsmer Ray Barnes generously provides this scholarship in loving memory of his wife and for the purpose of assisting aspiring students who demonstrate outstanding leadership potential. Based upon high school involvement and academic record, this scholarship is renewable for four years of continuous study. In order to maintain the scholarship, the recipient must be a full-time student and have a 3.0 QPA.

Thomas Richard Biggins II Endowed Memorial Scholarship (Not to be awarded until fully endowed)

The Donor wishes to honor Thomas Richard Biggins, II by his family and friends. Richard was passionate about the value and importance of education. He was a first generation college graduate who also earned his Master’s Degree in School Administration. Richard was a history teacher and later became an Assistant Principal with the Public Schools of Robeson County. 

The recipients will be made to a deserving full-time student who demonstrates financial need, qualities of leadership, service, and integrity. The award is renewable as long as the recipient maintains a 3.5 QPA. Consideration will be given to residents of Robeson County who graduated from a Public Schools of Robeson County high school.  Recipients must receive the recommendation from their high school guidance counselor and/or principal or a UNCP faculty member.

Black Student Organization Pioneers Endowed Scholarship* 

The Donor wishes to honor African American students who pioneered the Black Student Organization by providing an endowed scholarship to deserving students in need of financial support.

The recipients of this scholarship will be full-time undergraduate students who maintain a minimum of 2.25 QPA and complete an essay relating how their life has been impacted by lessons their elders or ancestors learned from experiences in the Jim Crow era, the slavocracy (the system of government in the southern United States in which slave labor was used to build the economy), or the Civil Rights Movement. Incoming freshmen as well as current students are eligible. The scholarship will be limited to North Carolina residents. There is no required major. Financial need will be considered. A recipient may reapply for the scholarship, but to be considered again must submit a new essay and improve their QPA by .25 (all reapplying students with a 3.25 or higher will be considered regardless of the increase in QPA).

Erskine Bowles Endowed Scholarship

The University of North Carolina at Pembroke established this scholarship in honor of the Donor with funds contributed to the University to assist students in financial need seeking a degree at UNCP. The recipients will be selected solely on their demonstrated financial need. There is no restriction of major, QPA, year of study, status or residency.

Braves Disabled Student Enrichment Endowed Scholarship

The Donor wishes to establish this scholarship to enhance the social and educational opportunities available to disabled students attending UNC Pembroke.

The recipient will be full a time student enrolled at UNCP, either graduate or undergraduate, maintaining a minimum 2.5 QPA and with demonstrated financial need. full-time status consists of students taking a minimum of 12 semester hours or students with reduced course load approval from the Department of Social Services. There is no restriction of residency, or major. The recipient shall be classified as a sophomore through graduate student. The award will be made half in the fall and half in the spring and is renewable as long as the above criteria are met and student is in good standing with the University.

Dr. Bobby D. Brayboy Endowed Scholarship 

The Donor wishes to aid a student in need of financial assistance in order to continue pursuing their college education.  This scholarship will be open to any full-time student with no preference regarding major. Recipients will be expected to maintain the minimum university standard QPA. Incoming freshman as well as current students will be eligible.  They must reside in either North or South Carolina and demonstrate financial need.   The award is renewable.

Hampton and Pattie L. Brayboy Endowed Memorial Scholarship*

This scholarship was established in memory of Pattie L. Brayboy, a graduate of UNC Pembroke, class of 1967. Mrs. Brayboy was an outstanding educator and guidance counselor. She was respected by her students and peers and was dedicated to the intellectual development of her students for 21 years. The scholarship is to be awarded annually to graduating seniors from Purnell Swett High School who will be entering UNC Pembroke. The students must have an overall B average in their senior year plus a strong recommendation from the guidance counselor and principal. The recipient shall demonstrate financial need.

Charles I and Betty F. Bridger Endowed Scholarship*

This scholarship was established to provide the opportunity to attend UNCP to an individual from Bladenboro and/or Bladen County. The donors believe that education is essential and has an everlasting impact on the future.

The recipient must meet University academic standards and be in financial need. First preference is given to a freshman. The award is then renewable.

Robert Alex Britt, MD, Resident Advisor Financial Award

The candidates shall be a full-time student pursuing an undergraduate degree at The University of North Carolina at Pembroke. This award is nonrenewable, financial need will not be considered, and candidates must have a GPA of 3.0. Consideration will be given to residents of North Carolina. This award will be awarded to a current Resident Advisor or Resident Director who demonstrates academic excellence, leadership skills, and a commitment to the UNCP on-campus community.

Judge Dexter Brooks Scholarship*

This scholarship was established in honor of Judge Dexter Brooks to provide financial support for low-income individuals in Robeson County who are eligible to attend The University of North Carolina at Pembroke. Eligible recipients of this scholarship must maintain a minimum 2.5 QPA and be full-time students. Awards of up to full tuition and fees, to occur half in the fall semester and half in the spring semester, will be made to undergraduate students and are renewable.

Kathleen Price and Joseph M. Bryan Family Foundation Endowed Scholarship

Though the Bryan Family Foundation concluded their work in 2000, this endowed scholarship fund continues to provide support to disadvantaged students attending UNC Pembroke. The scholarship award is based on academic aptitude, as indicated by a sound scholastic record, and appropriately documented financial needs.

Becky B. Bullard Endowed Scholarship*

The Donor wishes to establish an award which will assert her belief in the enduring value of education, and at the same time honor the memory of her late husband, Clifford Bullard, who shared her belief in the life-affirming usefulness and worth of a college education. This endowed scholarship is meant to encourage a young man or woman who has the desire to attain an education to make that goal a reality. The donor believes that education is a means of broadening one’s horizons, not only in the pursuit of a career but also in the quest for a future that is open to the many possibilities that come with a good educational foundation.

Candidates for award of this scholarship shall be full-time undergraduate students entering their freshman year of study at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke or transfer students coming to UNCP to complete their course of study. The candidate must have graduated from a high school in Anson or Union counties in North Carolina and must meet UNCP admission standards. There is no preference of subject major, and the candidate does not have to be of demonstrated financial need.

The award is renewable to the candidate for four years of study at UNCP, or, if eligibility by virtue of a 2.5 average is not maintained, can be re-awarded to a student whose high-school career was in Anson or Union counties.

Dr. Robert L. Canida, II Diversity and Equality Endowed Scholarship (Not to be awarded until fully endowed)

The Donor wishes to recognize outstanding leadership, service or research in the areas of diversity and equality.

The recipients will be a member of the UNCP NAACP and/or Gay Students and Allies (GSA) and maintain a minimum of 2.75 QPA. Recipients must also submit a one page essay on how they engaged in diversity or equality work and how it impacted their life. Incoming freshman as well as current undergraduate and graduate students will be eligible. Full-time and part-time students are eligible. The award is not renewable.

Kyle and Sarah Carter Annual Scholarship for Study Abroad

Because the Donors believe in the value of student study abroad, which provides student scholars with an opportunity to develop a broader understanding of the world as they receive a part of their education in an international environment, they have established an annual scholarship award. The student scholar who will receive this award should be chosen by the International Programs staff members based on the following criteria: the recipients must reach junior status by the time of their travel and must have a minimum of a 3.0 GPA.

Wayland H. Cato, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Fund

Scholarship awards from the Wayland H. Cato, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Fund shall be restricted to full and part-time degree-seeking undergraduate students of UNCP who have financial need (as defined below). Financial need, as defined herein, is expressly not limited to students meeting government assistance (i.e., Pell Grant) criteria. Financial need, as defined herein, shall expressly include students whose income exceeds government assistance criteria, but who can demonstrate a quantifiable need for assistance. Financial need shall be determined by UNCP by evaluating family factors (i.e., family household income, number of family members, number of family members in institutions of higher learning, and ability of the family to contribute) and other types of eligible assistance (including federal and state funds as well as other institutionally controlled scholarship funds received by the student) in relationship to the student’s and the student’s family’s total cost for the student to attend UNCP.

Preference for scholarship awards will be given to students who show evidence, either in the past or at the present time, of having demonstrated 1) a commitment to a strong work ethic through meaningful work experience in the public or private sector, and 2) a commitment to volunteerism through performing meaningful community service without compensation.

Sam Cernugel Endowed Memorial Scholarship*

The scholarship was established by family and friends to honor the memory of Sam Cernugel of Fairmont. Mr. Cernugel spent much time working to improve the quality of life in and around his home in Robeson County.

The recipient of the scholarship shall be a full-time undergraduate in financial need who meets all academic requirement of the University. First priority will be given to a student who is a member, or the child of a member, of the First Baptist Church, South Main Street, Fairmont. Failing a qualified candidate, the recipient will be a resident of Robeson County. The award is renewable.

Oscar and Margie Chavis Endowed Memorial Scholarship*

The Donor, a proud graduate of UNCP in 1947 and retired school teacher, has taught children who were academically capable of attending college but who could not attend due to their financial circumstances. Having been a teacher, she knows the value and importance of education as part of one’s future. The Donor is proud to know that this scholarship will help countless students realize their dream of a post-secondary degree and is honored to establish this scholarship in memory of her parents who sacrificed in order that she and her siblings could obtain a college degree.

The recipients of the Oscar and Margie Chavis Endowed Memorial Scholarship shall be residents of North Carolina who are of demonstrated financial need. First preference shall be given to a member of a state- or federally-recognized American Indian tribe. Recipients must maintain a 3.0 QPA and be full-time undergraduate students in the sophomore, junior, or senior year of study. The award will occur half in the fall and half in the spring and is renewable as long as funds are available. There is no restriction of major or field of study.

UNCP Class of 1998 Scholarship Award

The donors wish to establish this scholarship as a gift to The University of North Carolina at Pembroke in return for their opportunity to receive an excellent education.  The members of the Class of 1998 come from many backgrounds representing different ethnic, racial and social heritages.  They came to the University from across North Carolina, other states and foreign countries.  The Donors believe there is no finer way to thank and honor the University than to welcome and encourage others to pursue an education at UNCP.

The recipient shall be graduate or undergraduate student who maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA.  The award is available to students of any year of study and is renewable.  The scholarship award shall be a minimum of $250.00 but not more than $500.00 per recipient.  The scholarship will be awarded in the Fall.

Dr. Collie Coleman and Dr. Robert L. Canida II Scholarship

This award was established by Mr. Robert Canida, the first African-American Director for UNCP’s Office of Multicultural and Minority Affairs, and Mrs. Annie Coleman, Assistant Dean of Research Services in the Mary Livermore Library at UNC Pembroke and widow of Dr. Coleman, in honor of her late husband, the first African-American Associate Vice Chancellor for Outreach at UNC Pembroke. The Donors wish to memorialize Dr. Coleman as a true educator, mentor, community activist, leader and visionary. Dr. Coleman will always remain in the hearts of those that truly knew him as “A Somebody!”

The purpose of this fund is to provide an award to a member of UNC Pembroke’s National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) who exhibits academic excellence. In the event that the NPHC shall become non-existent, the Donors would like for the award to go to the office/department responsible for overseeing University Diversity Initiatives.

The recipients of the Dr. Collie Coleman Award shall be natives of North Carolina; but there is no restriction to county. Recipients shall: (1) be undergraduate students in either the sophomore, junior or senior year of study; (2) be a current member of good standing of the UNCP National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC); and, (3) have a minimum 3.0 GPA. The award, made in the spring of the year, will be awarded to the qualified recipient who has the highest GPA in NPHC at the time the scholarship is awarded.

Converse, Inc. Endowed Scholarship*

Endowed by Converse, Incorporated, Lumberton, NC, this scholarship is awarded annually to Robeson County Residents who consistently maintain an average of 3.0 or above. Open to all races and academic majors, the scholarship may be renewed as long as recipients make satisfactory progress toward completion of their degrees. It is understood that preference will be given to qualified students who are sons or daughters of former Converse employees and that financial need will not necessarily be a factor in the selection process.

Charles Gregory “C.G.” Cummings, Jr. Endowed Memorial Scholarship

The scholarship was established in 1993 in memory of Charles Gregory “C.G.” Cummings, Jr. by his family, Purnell Swett High students, faculty, and friends in his honor. “C.G.” was 16 years old and a junior at Purnell Swett High. He was respected and loved by students and faculty. “C.G.’s” warm personality, caring attitude, and his involvement in church, school and community programs made a lasting impression on students, family and his many friends in the community. The scholarship is also in memory of “C.G.’s” friend Ray Ransom.

The scholarship is open to any academic major, and awarded annually to a deserving student who demonstrates qualities of leadership, humanitarianism, and who has met academic requirements.

Jerry Daniel Scholarship*

This scholarship was established to support The University of North Carolina at Pembroke and honor Jerry Daniel, a UNCP graduate in the class of 1968 and long-time coach at West Montgomery High School. The award will support a West Montgomery High School student entering his or her freshman year of study as a full-time undergraduate student. If a freshman cannot be identified, it will be renewed to a previous recipient.

Danford, Sr., and Reece Graham Dial Family Endowed International Scholarship*

The Donors wish to honor the memory of their parents/grandparents, Mr. Danford Dial, Sr., and Mrs. Reece Graham Dial, who were dedicated to their family, to education, and to the community. Mr. and Mrs. Dial believed strongly in the value of an education, so much that Mr. Dial led the drive to save UNCP’s historic landmark Old Main building from destruction. They also had strong faith, attended church without fail throughout their lives, and believed in teaching these values to their children.

Through this scholarship, the Dial children and grandchildren wish to provide the opportunity or an education to students from around the world. The recipient will be an international student. Failing a qualified international candidate, consideration will be given to Native American students from Robeson County, North Carolina. Criteria for award include consideration of financial need and scholastic achievement. A minimum University QPA is required. Students may be part-time or full-time, undergraduate or graduate. It is preferred but not required that the recipient be a freshman with renewal of the scholarship each year provided all criteria are met. There is no required field of study with this scholarship. One award, not to exceed $500.00, will be made half in the fall and half in the spring. The number and amount of awards will increase incrementally with the endowment. The Financial Aid Office will screen and select recipients. The Donors may recommend or refer candidates from time to time but will not be involved in the selection process or decision.

Ruby Carter Dial Endowed Memorial Scholarship*

The Donors wish to recognize distinguished service to education as a teacher, administrator, counselor and mentor to young people. Candidates for award of this scholarship shall be residents of Robeson County, the state of North Carolina, who are either full-or-part time undergraduate students in their junior year of study, and maintaining a 3.0 QPA at The University of North Carolina at Pembroke. The $500.00 annual award is merit based; candidates do not have to be of financial need. First preference will be given to a resident of Robeson County who is a member of a state- or federally-recognized American Indian tribe and enrolled in the teacher certification program, not receiving other financial aid, with demonstrated community service, involvement and experience in American Indian Youth programs and activities. The award will be made half in the fall and half in the spring and the award shall not exceed $500 per year. The award will be renewable if funds are available.

Alfred R. and Francine A. Dunlavy Endowed Scholarship

The Donor wishes to recognize her parents, Alfred R. and Francine A. Dunlavy, whose encouragement and example had a profound influence on the donor’s life. Mrs. Dunlavy was a first-generation college student, the daughter of Sicilian immigrants; she was recipient of a full scholarship to Barnard College, as well as scholarships to the University of Madrid and the Sorbonne in Paris. She was grateful all her life for these educational opportunities. She was a New York City school teacher of Spanish and French, and she worked tirelessly with non-profit organizations to establish and protect human rights in Latin America. Mr. Dunlavy was a very successful businessman in the hearing aid field; he held four patents on hearing aids that were designed to amplify only high tone hearing losses. Despite his successes, he always regretted never having had the opportunity to attend college.

The recipient of the Alfred R. and Francine A. Dunlavy Endowed Scholarship will be a first-generation college student and have and maintain a minimum of 3.0 QPA. Incoming freshmen as well as current students will be eligible. The award is renewable.

Early Assurance Scholarship*

This scholarship is awarded to each student in an entering freshman class who qualifies for the Brody School of Medicine Early Assurance Scholars Program. Students must apply for the program, be nominated by UNCP, and be selected by ECU Brody School of Medicine prior to entering the university. The scholarship can be maintained for four years by meeting all Early Assurance Scholar program requirements.

Students must be North Carolina residents and reside in one of the following counties: Robeson, Hoke, Scotland, Bladen, Columbus, and Sampson. To be eligible to apply, a student must have a minimum 3.7 high school GPA and combined reading and math SAT of 1100 or greater, and submit a complete application with essay and recommendations (available from the North Carolina-Health Careers Access Program office). To remain eligible in subsequent years, students who have been awarded a scholarship must maintain a minimum 3.5 GPA (both overall and in science courses) at UNCP, must participate in required group and enrichment activities during all four years at UNCP, must complete all pre-med requirements by the end of the junior year, and must meet other requirements as laid out in the Early Assurance program brochure.

Larry Dwight Freeman Endowed Scholarship* (Not to be awarded until fully endowed)

Larry D. Freeman worked at UNCP for over 30 years and has been an integral part of shaping the University as it has grown during this time. Mr. Freeman dedicated countless hours, both on and off the clock, to ensure that the facilities of UNCP were operational and able to provide the services and support needed for the required day to day activities. Mr. Freeman started his career in the HVAC/refrigeration department and his hard work and dedication allowed him to progress through the ranks to his current role as UNCP’s Director of Physical Plant. This scholarship will serve the purpose of allowing Mr. Freeman’s legacy to continue to touch UNCP after he has retired and moved on the golf course.

The recipients of this scholarship must maintain a minimum 3.0 QPA and be residents of Robeson County. Financial need should be considered. The award is renewable. The donors have no preference regarding major, student status, or year of study.

Paul R. And Lee Givens Endowed Scholarship

Established by Paul and Lee Givens, this scholarship is awarded annually to an academically gifted student. The scholarship may be renewed as long as the recipient maintains a 3.0 QPA or better. The decision regarding renewal will be made annually.

Dr. Paul R. Givens holds the position of Chancellor Emeritus, having served as Chancellor from 1979-1989 at UNC Pembroke.

Jimmy Goins Family Endowed Scholarship (Not to be awarded until fully endowed)*

The Donors establish this scholarship for UNCP students in memory of former Chairman of the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina Jimmy Goins.  Through his efforts he leaves behind a legacy of dedication to the Lumbee Tribe of NC, outstanding service to the business industry, and unyielding concern for the affairs of US Veterans.  In his remembrance his family extends to the students of UNCP this gift to support their continued education and to inspire them give back to the community.

Each recipient will be a resident of Robeson County and a member of a state or federally recognized tribe.  Recipients must maintain the University Standard QPA and be full-time undergraduate students.  Incoming freshman as well as current students are eligible. Financial need is not a consideration.  The award is renewable.  If there are no applicants that meet the above requirements, the Office of Financial Aid may award the scholarship to the applicant that most closely meets the requirements.

Linda Gail Hammond Endowed Memorial Scholarship*

This scholarship was established in 2001 to honor the memory of Linda Gail Hammond and to provide financial support for low-income individuals in Robeson County, NC who are eligible to attend the University. First consideration for award will be given to members of the Lumbee Native American Tribe who are residents of Robeson County, North Carolina. Second consideration will be given to other members of the Lumbee Native American Tribe. Third consideration will be given to other residents of Robeson County, NC. Recipients must maintain a minimum of 2.5 QPA, be full-time students and demonstrate financial need. The awards will occur half in the fall semester and half
in the spring semester; will be made to students in the freshman year of study; and, are renewable.

Stephen A. Hammonds Endowed Scholarship

The donor wishes to honor the legacy of his late grandfather with the establishment of an endowed scholarship in his memory. The intent is to provide support for students who wish to obtain a college education at a university that was deeply loved by the honoree, Stephen A. Hammonds.  Mr. Hammonds attended the school in 1894 and was a member and Leader of the Red Man’s Lodge in his community.  His preaching and teaching career carried him to all sections of Robeson County and he was well known county wide. At 21, he started public school teaching, and continued that work in the county for over 35 years while faming.  His commitment and determination inspired many people and made a tremendous impact on his descendants and their ability to continue in the same way, with a strong work ethic and religious values.     

The recipients of this scholarship must be a full time-undergraduate student majoring in Science, Math, Education, or an Agriculture related program. The recipients must be residents of Robeson County and maintain the university’s minimum GPA standards. The recipients must demonstrate financial need. The award is renewable.

Allison P. Harrington Endowed Scholarship*

The Donor wishes to make a major contribution to students at The University of North Carolina at Pembroke by establishing an endowed scholarship that will provide an award to one student per year. This scholarship is being established because of the Donor’s strong belief in education.

The recipient of this scholarship will be a resident of Robeson or Brunswick Counties and a full-time undergraduate student with a 3.0 QPA at The University of North Carolina at Pembroke. The recipient can be in any year of study, and there is no preference to subject major. Financial need is not considered. The award is renewable as long as funds are available and the recipient continues to meet the criteria as established. The award is given annually.

Ellen Hubbard Child Care Fund

The Donor wishes to provide financial assistance to single-parent families working toward degrees at UNCP with children in need of day care. The donor recognizes that parenting puts additional stressors, financial and otherwise, on parents, and therefore the fund is designed to encourage applicants to begin or continue educational pursuits by providing assistance with day care expenses.

The recipients of the award will be either new students with confirmed enrollment at UNCP or returning students. Applicants may include single-parent mothers or single-parent fathers with children currently enrolled in day care, or who will enroll children in day care upon the receipt of funds. There is no restriction of residency, major, status, or year of study; however, the recipients shall maintain a minimum 2.5 QPA. The Donor wants to encourage the pursuit of an education by providing financial assistance for applicants with the most demonstrated financial need and who are strongly motivated to obtain a college degree. The award is renewable as long as demonstrated financial need exists.

Mary Ann Hubbard Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship is given by James and Ellen Hubbard in memory of their daughter, Mary Ann Hubbard, who met a tragic death during her senior year in college. It is given in appreciation for her roommate who meant so much to her during her illness. The scholarship is awarded annually to an educationally challenged student. The recipient must meet current academic requirements and be in financial need. It is renewable. This scholarship is designed to encourage academic perseverance.

Steven A. Hunt Memorial Scholarship* 

The Donor’s intent is to establish this scholarship to honor the memory of Steven A. Hunt. Steve was a passionate and visionary leader. He worked for and with students all of his life, beginning as a math teacher in the public schools of Robeson County, and continuing as a lecturer in math at UNCP. But he was able to widen his scope beyond his own students when he became the director of the Center for Academic Excellence. He believed strongly in the Center’s purpose, and under his guidance it grew dramatically both in space and in the number of students served every semester. Some of the most notable changes during his time as director were the move from Jacobs to D. F. Lowry, which made the CAE more visible and led to greatly increased student traffic; the expansion of probation counseling into a large and vigorous Academic Resource Mentoring program, serving hundreds of students a semester; an increase in faculty use of the HAWK Alert method of referring students to tutoring, Supplemental Instruction, and other services; and the shift to a data-driven method of planning and managing CAE activities. Steve never stopped looking for new and better ways to help students show what they can do, instead of what they can’t. He was a huge supporter of his alma mater and continuously gave back to the university. He gave regularly to the Faculty and Staff Campaign and he was also the Alumni Advisor to the Greek fraternity, Phi Sigma Nu. This scholarship will help continue Steve’s legacy. UNCP lost a great leader in Steven Hunt, but he will live on in the people who learned from him how to be better students, teachers, advocates, and role models.

The recipients of the Steven A. Hunt Memorial Endowed Scholarship will be current students pursuing an undergraduate degree at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke who have benefited from CAE-Student Services in previous semesters. The donor wishes that financial need is demonstrated and that the recipients be residents of North Carolina. The award is renewable.

Jeriad Paul Jacobs Endowed Memorial Scholarship*

The Donors wish to honor the memory of their son by establishing the Jeriad Paul Jacobs Endowed Memorial Scholarship. Jeriad was a brave, modern-day Indian warrior who died in Iraq while serving his country as a member of the US Marine Corps. He possessed a number of passions, two of which were his family and his American Indian heritage. Jeriad was a poet who, in his brief 19 years, wrote numerous poems that expressed yet another true passion-life. Even though he loved his “Indian people,” Jeriad also believed in loving and helping all people.

Candidates for award of this scholarship shall be members of a state- or federally-recognized American Indian tribe and residents of Robeson County, North Carolina. Candidates must show demonstrated financial need and must be full-time undergraduate students in any year of study and maintaining at least the minimum university standard QPA. There is no restriction to major or field of study.

Vivian and Ralph Jacobson Annual Scholarship in Honor of Chancellor Robin and Rebecca Cummings

Candidates for this scholarship shall be full-time or part-time students pursuing an undergraduate degree. This scholarship is merit based and the candidates must have a 3.2 GPA. This scholarship is renewable to the same recipient and the 3.2 GPA must be maintained. The candidates must demonstrate community involvement, volunteerism, and experiences that qualify their leadership ability and potential as they grow as a student at UNCP. First preference should be given to those students who are enrolled members in a state or federally recognized tribe with the greatest demonstrated financial need.  If there are no applicants meeting the listed criteria, the Office of Financial Aid will make an award to the applicant(s) that most closely meet(s) the requirements.

General Allen J. Jamerson Scholarship for Aerospace Excellence 

The Donor wishes to establish this endowed scholarship to help a young person further their education and reach their educational goals. The scholarship will recognize the outstanding UNC Pembroke Air Force ROTC cadet as determined by the Detachment 607 staff.

This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving full-time Junior or Senior in good academic standing. The scholarship is not renewable, and the recipient must maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.5.

Herman and Louise M. Jenkins Endowed Memorial Scholarship*

This scholarship was established by the family as a living memorial in honor of Herman and Louise M. Jenkins who were life-long residents of Richmond County, NC. It is designed to help students who are in need of financial assistance to continue their education at UNC Pembroke. First preference will be given to students from Richmond County who are planning to teach in Richmond County. Students must demonstrate that they are deserving of this award on the basis of achievement, motivation, and hard work.

Sylvia T. Johnson Endowed Scholarship (Not to be awarded until fully endowed)*

To recognize and honor the many years of distinguished service, devotion and commitment of Sylvia T. Johnson in her career as a pre-health advisor and student advocate.  As an alumna, she loved UNCP, her job as Director of UNC-Pembroke’s North Carolina Health Careers Access Program (NC-HCAP) and was dedicated to helping her students obtain their goal to pursue a career in healthcare. She not only reached out to her students at UNCP, but she was notoriously called upon by middle school, high school, graduate and post graduate students for advice and guidance.  She is well known as an endless resource to many.

To be eligible, a student must have a minimum science QPA of 3.0 or a strong recommendation from NC-HCAP Pre-health Advisor.  Recipients will be full-time undergraduate students in the sophomore, junior, or senior year of study who have clearly demonstrated a strong interest in healthcare and have actively participated in program opportunities offered through NC-HCAP.  The award will be dispersed half fall and half spring, and is renewable to the same student (annually) for two consecutive years only as long as funds are available and student meets designated scholarship criteria.  Financial Need will not be considered. Scholarship available only to students who are residents of the following rural counties within North Carolina: Robeson, Hoke, Scotland, Bladen, and Columbus.   

Jump Start Endowed Scholarship Fund

The Donor wishes to establish a scholarship designed for any student with a strong desire for an education and of financial need. The Jump Start Endowed Scholarship Fund is designed for persons who have a strong desire for a college education and want to give it a try. The Donor believes that often average students, who have the desire to work hard, are deserving of aid even though they may not be the most academically talented of students. Therefore the recipient(s) shall be undergraduate students who meet or exceed minimum University standards. The candidate may be a recent high school graduate or may have been out in the working world for several years. The high school record is not the basis for this scholarship (as long as the applicants have the minimum requirements for UNCP admission); it is based on motivation. The award is available to students for any year of study and any major. The scholarship application must contain a letter expressing the applicant’s desire for a college degree with the reasoning for this realization. The scholarship award shall equal tuition and fees for one semester to one student initially. If the candidate succeeds and motivation continues, the scholarship is renewed each semester as long as there are sufficient available funds.

David K. and Elizabeth H. Kuo Scholarship

The Kuo family and their friends wish to honor the memories of Dr. David K. Kuo and Dr. Elizabeth H. Kuo by establishing this scholarship. Dr. David Kuo was a professor of Biology, and Dr. Elizabeth Kuo was a professor of Geography. Together, they served The University of North Carolina at Pembroke for a combined total of 59 dedicated years. Throughout their lifetimes, Drs. David and Elizabeth Kuo enriched and inspired the lives of numerous students, fellow faculty members, and the staff at UNC Pembroke.

Eligible recipients of this scholarship are full-time undergraduate students in any year of study. Financial need or specific major are not considerations for this honor. The award is renewable contingent upon sufficient funds being available.

Sarah and Louis C. LaMotte, Sr. Annual Scholarship*

This award was established in memory of Sarah Hunter LaMotte and Louis C. LaMotte, Sr., who lived in Maxton for over 40 years and who loved the people of Maxton. Dr. LaMotte was a Presbyterian minister and President of Presbyterian Junior College from 1939-1961, and Sarah LaMotte was an English teacher. They were especially pleased to have been of help to promising students who needed financial assistance to attend UNCP. The recipient of the award must be a full-time student enrolled with the intention of earning a BS or BA degree. The recipient must be a resident of Maxton, NC. The award is based on demonstrated financial need, good citizenship and responsibility. Although not limited in area of study, some preference will be given those aspiring to be teachers.

Lance Foundation Endowed Scholarship*

The Lance Foundation scholarship fund was established in support of disadvantaged students attending UNC Pembroke. This scholarship is open to students from the Charlotte/Mecklenburg County area. It is based on academic aptitude as indicated by a sound academic record and financial need.

Faye Nye Lewis Endowed Scholarship

The scholarship, generously supported by Ms. Lewis, is awarded annually to a sophomore ROTC candidate who has completed his or her freshman year as a Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) student. It is to provide funds for the student’s sophomore year as an ROTC cadet and is based on his/her overall achievement.

John Winston and Addie Mae Locklear Memorial Endowed Scholarship*

The scholarship was established by loving family members in memory of John Winston and Addie Mae Locklear, parents who believed in the value of education. It is available to all majors with a 3.0 QPA or better. The recipient must be a North Carolina resident and a full-time student. The award is renewable annually.

Johnny A. Locklear Endowed Scholarship* 

The Donor wishes to recognize Mr. Johnny Allen Locklear’s life and love of teaching the young people of Robeson County. The recipients of this scholarship will be full-time students maintaining a minimum of 3.0 QPA. Incoming freshman as well as current students will be eligible. Recipients must reside in Robeson County. The award is renewable to the same recipient. Financial need is a requirement. In the event that not all of the above criteria are met by any student, the Director of Financial Aid may make an award to the applicant who most closely meets the requirements.

Stacy Ryan Locklear Air Force ROTC Endowed Scholarship Fund*

The Donors wish to establish a scholarship to honor the memory of Stacy Ryan Locklear, who profoundly impacted the lives of his father, family, and friends. Ryan was a vibrant 3-year-old who passed away unexpectedly on July 25, 2004. He was proud of his dad, who was commissioned an Air Force officer in 1989 through the UNCP Air Force ROTC Program.

The Air Force ROTC (AFROTC) curriculum teaches leadership, follower-ship, communication skills, management, and a myriad of other essential skills and is designed to prepare students to assume positions of increasing responsibility in the modern Air Force.

Candidate for award of this scholarship shall be a member of a state- or federally-recognized American Indian tribe and a resident of Robeson County. The candidate shall be a full-time, undergraduate student in the junior or senior year of study participating in the Air Force ROTC Program at The University of North Carolina at Pembroke. The candidate shall maintain a 3.0 QPA and must be of demonstrated financial need.

Dennis Lowery and Family Endowed Scholarship*

The Donor wishes to replace a previously non-endowed scholarship, established in March 2001, with an endowed scholarship in order to provide assistance to local students in higher education in perpetuity; therefore, the Donor has re-established the Dennis Lowery and Family Scholarship as the Dennis Lowery and Family Endowed Scholarship.

Candidates for award of this scholarship shall be Native American residents of Robeson County, NC, from the Pembroke, Prospect, or Magnolia communities. Candidates will be selected based upon financial need. The candidate will be a full-time student in the junior or senior year of study, with no restriction of major and maintaining a 2.5 QPA. Awards will be renewable if funds are available.

Joseph Archie Lowery, Jr. (Grandson of Oscar Sampson) Endowed Scholarship (Not to be awarded until fully endowed)

The Donor wishes to provide financial support to deserving students in an effort to help recruit and retain students who wish to receive a college degree from UNC Pembroke. Mr. Lowery is the grandson of the late Oscar Sampson (Sampson Hall) and he understands the importance of receiving a college education and developing a strong work ethic as instilled in him by his grandfather.

The recipients of this scholarship must maintain a minimum of a 2.5 QPA. Incoming freshmen as well as current students are eligible. This scholarship is open to a student of any major. The student must demonstrate financial need and the award is renewable.

Sarah Locklear Lowery Endowed Scholarship

The Donors wish to recognize Mrs. Sarah Locklear Lowery by honoring her life as a long-time educator and one of the first 500 graduates of Pembroke State College (now UNC-Pembroke). Mrs. Lowery was an elementary school teacher for over 32 years; 28 years with the Public Schools of Robeson County in North Carolina and 4 years with the Baltimore County Schools in Maryland. She is a member of Prospect United Methodist Church and has been active in community service projects all her life.

The recipients will be either full or part-time undergraduate students maintaining a 3.0 University QPA standard. There is no restriction of residency, major, or year of study. The award is non-renewable and is based on demonstrated financial need.

Family of Wendell and Gloria Lowery Annual Scholarship

The Donor wishes to honor her parents for their commitment to the community, education, and the arts.

The recipient(s) of this award will be an Art Education major. Recipients must maintain a minimum of QPA that meets the University standard. Full or part-time undergraduate students are eligible. The award is renewable to the same recipient as long as the above criteria are met. Financial need is not a consideration. If there are no applicants that meet the above requirements, the Office of Financial Aid may make an award to the applicant that most closely meets the requirements.

Zeb Lowery Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Dennis Lowry in 1999 in memory of his father Zeb Lowry. The recipient of the scholarship shall be a full-time student. The recipient must maintain at least a 2.5 QPA to receive and renew the award. The scholarship is based on financial need.

Burleigh and Pearlie Lowry Endowed Memorial Scholarship

The Donors wish to memorialize their parents’ love, dedication and faithfulness to Harper’s Ferry Church, and their realization for the opportunities that are provided through educational pursuits, by establishing the Burleigh and Pearlie Lowry Endowed Memorial Scholarship.

The recipients of the Burleigh and Pearlie Lowry Endowed Memorial Scholarship shall be selected on the basis of the following priorities: (1) first - demonstrated financial need; (2) second - a membership or family membership in Harper’s Ferry Baptist church; and, (3) third - first preference given to a resident of Robeson County, North Carolina.

Reba M. Lowry Endowed Scholarship

Established by Ira Pate Lowry in memory of his wife, Mrs. Reba M. Lowry, who served UNC Pembroke for many years as Dean of Women and Chairman of the Department of Foreign Languages, this scholarship is awarded annually to a student based on scholarship and need.

Lumbee Warriors Association & Lumbee River EMC Veterans Descendants Endowed Scholarship (Not to be awarded until fully endowed)

The donors wish to support the children and grandchildren of veterans who further their education at UNC Pembroke. The Lumbee Warriors Association is a group of Lumbee and non-Lumbee men and women who have served our country dutifully in the armed services. They meet regularly to fellowship and support their communities, as demonstrated through the establishment of this scholarship. Lumbee River Electric Membership Corporation is a not for profit electric utility owned by the more than 50,000 members throughout Cumberland, Hoke, Robeson and Scotland counties. Generous friends to UNC Pembroke, Lumbee River EMC wishes to honor veteran members of its community through this scholarship.

The recipients of the Lumbee Warriors Association & Lumbee River EMC Veterans Descendants Endowed Scholarship will be current or incoming students in any major at UNCP. They will be full-time students with a minimum 2.5 GPA. They will have a financial need. They must provide proof that a parent, grandparent, or legal guardian served in the United States military. If the parent, grandparent, or legal guardian has been discharged from military service, he/she should have received an honorable discharge or general under honorable conditions. Preference will be given to a recipient who is a member of a state or federally recognized tribe. The scholarship is renewable. A maximum of $500 will be awarded per student. If no applicants meet the above requirements, the Office of Military Outreach may make an award to the applicant that most closely meets the requirements.

James E. & Nancy M. Martin Endowed Scholarship (Not to be awarded until fully endowed)

The recipients of this scholarship will be residents of North Carolina and demonstrate financial need.  The student must maintain the minimum university standard GPA. Incoming freshman students are preferred with the intention that the student will continue to meet the criteria each year and afforded the opportunity to receive the scholarship annually, but this is not a requirement. This scholarship is open to all majors with a preference of a full-time student, however, consideration of a part time student is allowed.

Dr. Gerald Dean and Annie Ruth Maynor Endowed Memorial Scholarship*

This scholarship was established by the family of Dr. Gerald Dean Maynor, former Chair of the Education Department of UNCP and Annie Ruth Maynor, in honor of his belief in the importance of education and his desire to help others succeed. The recipient of the scholarship will be a resident of Robeson County and a graduate of Purnell Swett High School. The recipient will be a full-time undergraduate student with a minimum 3.0 QPA. The recipient shall have a financial need. The award is renewable.

Maria Frances Johnson McCrimmon Memorial Endowed Scholarship*

The scholarship was established in memory and honor of Maria Frances Johnson McCrimmon, an alumna of UNCP, by her husband John H. McCrimmon, Sr. First preference for recipient(s) of the scholarship shall go to students from Bladen County, North Carolina. Failing qualified or sufficient numbers of applicants, next preference is to students from North Carolina, the United States and, finally, anywhere worldwide. The award is available to students of any year of study and is renewable.

John Foy McMillan Endowed Scholarship*

The Donor wishes to honor the memory of her younger brother by establishing this scholarship. John, whose life was tragically taken in an automobile accident on Valentine’s Day 2009, was a man of strong moral character. Raised by his mother and three siblings, John possessed a strong work ethic. After the military, he worked to put himself through college, graduated with a bachelor’s degree from UNCP, became an employee of the University and later earned a Master’s degree. John had a humble spirit, never speaking a harmful word to anyone, and went out of his way to help a colleague. He was polite, sincere, honest, positive and a proud UNCP employee. As Director of New Student and Family Orientation at UNCP John helped new students transition into university life by assisting with student placement testing, advising, registration and orientation. John loved his dogs. He was a member of Masonic Lodge 501 and First Baptist Church in Red Springs. Through this scholarship, John’s legacy will continue to live within us and throughout the halls of UNCP; and, numerous students will receive funding that will help them obtain their dream of a college degree.

The recipient of the John Foy McMillan Endowed Memorial Scholarship shall be a lifelong resident of Robeson County, of part-time status, and maintaining a 3.0 QPA. There is no restriction of major or year of study. The recipient shall have been raised in a one-parent household and be of demonstrated financial need. This scholarship is renewable as long as funds are available.

Zula Lee and Thomas C. McRae Endowed Memorial Scholarship*

The scholarship was bequeathed to UNC Pembroke by Mr. McRae in memory of himself and his wife, Zula Lee McRae. The scholarship is awarded annually to an economically disadvantaged student, with priority given to a resident of Robeson County.

Allen and Barbara Meadors Endowed Scholarship*

The scholarship is available to freshmen entering the university with a 3.5 or better high school grade point. The recipient must be a resident of Pembroke or Robeson County, North Carolina. Recipient must maintain a minimum 3.0 QPA for the award to be renewable.

M.I.K.E. Endowed Scholarship*

The M.I.K.E. Scholarship is established to support youth of Southeastern North Carolina in their endeavors toward higher education.  Mike McIntyre served as the United States Congressman for Southeastern North Carolina from 1997 to 2015.  The scholarship is designed to honor graduating high school seniors who have excelled in four distinct areas: Moral Force of Character, Inspired Leadership, Knowledge and superior academic performance, and Exemplary citizenship.

Recipients will be a freshman who graduated from a high school and a resident in one of the following counties:  Bladen, Brunswick, Columbus, Cumberland, Duplin, New Hanover, Robeson or Sampson.  The recipient will have and must maintain a 2.8 QPA, with no preference to field of study.  Financial need is not required.  It is renewable as long as all requirements continue to be met.

Morgan’s Hope Endowed Scholarship* 

The Donor wishes to provide hope and encouragement in a difficult time through financial support of students who have struggled with serious medical issues, either personally or in support of a family member. The donor is inspired to create this endowed scholarship through working with high school students who have had a parent battling cancer.

The recipient of this scholarship will be a graduate of Lumberton High School who has faced serious medical issues, either in themselves or a family member. If there are no eligible applicants from Lumberton High School, the scholarship may be awarded to a qualified applicant who is a resident of Robeson County. The recipient must maintain a minimum of 2.5 QPA. Incoming freshman as well as current students will be eligible. Financial need should be considered. The scholarship is renewable.

Velva Dean Morgan Endowed Memorial Scholarship*

The Donor wishes to recognize her deceased sister, Velva, by establishing this scholarship in her memory: “She was a wonderful sister and I want her name to be remembered for many years to come.”

Velva felt that her education was one of her greatest achievements and was very proud of this accomplishment. She was very meek when she first enrolled in college. Finding money to attend college was hard to do in the 60’s. Velva struggled with money for her education and didn’t know, from year to year, if she would be able to afford to continue. Student loans and other means of financial support were virtually non-existent. Velva did graduate from Pembroke State College in 1967, was successful in her life, and never forgot her humble beginnings.

Velva would want to help students who are having the same monetary struggles she had; someone who would not be able to attend college without the help of her scholarship. This scholarship was one of the things she requested to be established through her estate. Velva wanted a recipient who is eager to achieve and succeed, who works hard, and who has high standards.

The recipient of this scholarship shall be a resident of North Carolina and a full-time student maintaining a minimum of 3.0 QPA. This scholarship is based on proven financial need and is renewable as long as the recipient continues to satisfy the criteria set forth in this agreement. There is no restriction of major or year of study.

North Carolina Native American Endowed Scholarship*

This scholarship was established in 2000 by a gift from UNCP alumnus Christopher Kirks and funded by individuals and corporate donors to provide financial assistance to members of North Carolina Native American tribes who may otherwise not be afforded an education. Criteria for award of these scholarships include: that the recipient(s) be of NC Native American ancestry with distribution equally among all NC (recognized) Indian tribes represented. The recipient(s) must be full-time undergraduate students with a minimum QPA and a demonstrated financial need. There is no preference regarding subject major or year of study.

Earl Hughes Oxendine Endowed Memorial Scholarship*

The Earl Hughes Oxendine Endowed Memorial Scholarship was established in 1991 by family and friends to honor this long-time educator who graduated from UNC Pembroke in 1957. Awards will be made to deserving students from the region who demonstrate qualities of leadership, service, and integrity. Recipients must receive the recommendation of their high school advisor or principal. Awards will normally be renewed to the recipient as long as h/she remains in good standing at the University. Decisions for renewal will be made annually.

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Edward Oxendine Endowed Scholarship

The Donors wish to assist students who are interested in pursuing a medical career, with preference in the area of pre-Pharmacy. Candidate selection shall be based upon: full-time enrollment; either undergraduate or graduate status; pursuing a medical career (pre-Pharmacy preference); adherence to a 2.5 QPA; and financial need. Should there be two candidates of equal qualifications, first preference shall be granted to a Native American. There is no preference of residency or year of study. The scholarship shall be renewable.

Louis and Millie Oxendine Endowed Scholarship*

The scholarship was established by Louis S. Oxendine because of his belief in the importance of education and the desire to assist a student at UNCP. The recipient must be a resident of North Carolina and an undergraduate. Initial award will be to a student with a 3.0 QPA and with financial need. First preference is given to a freshman. The award is renewable as long as the student maintains an academic average of 2.5 QPA after the junior year.

Pembroke Business and Professional Women’s Organization Career Advancement Endowed Scholarship

The Donor wishes to provide financial assistance to a mature woman who needs further education to obtain a promotion, to change to a more promising career field, or to return to the job market.

The recipients of the Pembroke Business and Professional Women’s Organization Career Advancement Endowed Scholarship will be residents of Robeson County, NC, with a demonstrated financial need and a major in any field of study, with first preference to Native American students. Recipients must maintain a minimum University QPA, be in their junior year, and be full-time undergraduate students. The award of $500.00 per year for each recipient will occur half in the fall and half in the spring and is renewable.

Pembroke High School Class of 1961 Endowed Scholarship*

This scholarship is established by class members and friends as a legacy to honor the memory of class members and the high school that was established for Indian students in Pembroke, North Carolina, in 1924. Students were housed in the Indian Normal School, a state-owned building. A new building was completed and dedicated in 1939. The completion of Pembroke High School enabled the Indian Normal School to separate its secondary and college branches. Pembroke High School launched its twenty-nine year journey with a faculty of eight and 229 students in grades eight through eleven. The intent of this scholarship is to establish an award which will affirm and promote the belief in the enduring value of education and to commemorate the memory and legacy of the Pembroke High School Class of 1961.

This endowed scholarship is meant to encourage and inspire recipients to recognize the relevance and the importance of the contributions of Pembroke High School graduates to this country and the belief that education is a means of broadening horizons, pursuing a meaningful career, and advancing the quest to serve all humanity.

Candidates for this scholarship shall be graduates of Purnell Swett High School pursuing an undergraduate degree at The University of North Carolina at Pembroke; must have a GPA of 3.0 and maintain a 3.0 GPA as a junior and senior; and must demonstrate financial need. Recipients shall be enrolled members of a state- or federally-recognized Indian tribe. Recipients must have residential status from Robeson County. If there should be no qualified American Indian candidates, the scholarship would not be awarded.

Pembroke State College Class of 1962 Endowed Scholarship 

This scholarship is established by class members and friends as a legacy to honor class members while honoring the founding fathers of the University for their Vision by establishing an educational opportunity that enriched their lives and created life experiences they would not have been able to attain without receiving a quality education at Pembroke State College.

This endowed scholarship is meant to encourage and inspire recipients to recognize the importance of not only obtaining an education but of giving back to this institution to help enrich the lives of students and create opportunities for them to continue their education.

Candidates for this scholarship shall be full-time students pursuing an undergraduate degree at The University of North Carolina at Pembroke; must have a GPA of 3.0; and maintain a 3.0 GPA as a sophomore, junior, senior; and must demonstrate financial need. This scholarship is non-renewable.

Julian T. Pierce Endowed Memorial Scholarship*

This scholarship was established by the trustees of the Julian T. Pierce Memorial Fund for the purpose of creating a living memorial to Julian T. Pierce. Mr. Pierce, a Lumbee Indian, was a humanitarian with great courage and foresight who demonstrated his concern for the poor and the underprivileged in Robeson County, NC.

The scholarship is to be awarded annually to a resident(s) of Robeson County, who is/are in financial need, and has/have demonstrated scholastic and leadership abilities. The scholarship provides the student(s) with full tuition for an academic year. It will normally be renewed each academic year providing the recipient(s) maintain a 3.0 QPA or better.

Gilbert D. Prevatte Endowed Memorial Scholarship*

The donors wish to honor the memory of Mr. Tony Prevatte’s brother, Gilbert D. Prevatte, a 1979 UNCP graduate. Eligible candidates are residents of Robeson County, NC, enrolled as full-time undergraduate students in any year of study. The recipient must maintain a 3.0 QPA and may major in any area of study. The amount of this scholarship will be awarded in two allotments: half in the fall semester and the remaining half in the spring semester. The award will be renewable if funds are available.

Rams Alumni Endowed Scholarship (Not to be awarded until fully endowed)

The purpose of this scholarship fund is to provide financial support to a student who demonstrates great financial need coupled with a strong desire to receive a college education.  The donor wishes to promote support of this fund through a collaborative approach amongst graduates of West Robeson High School and Purnell Swett High School as well as the broader community.  The motivating factor behind the establishment of this fund is to make a difference in the lives of students from the local high school community providing an opportunity to pursue their college degree without the burden of financial constraints.

The recipients will be graduates of Purnell Swett High School, a full-time student and maintain a minimum of 2.5 QPA. Incoming freshman are eligible and must demonstrate financial need.  No preference in major and the award is renewable. The disbursement of the awardable amount must be split between semesters, and must be applied to tuition and/or books. Students must express to the selection committee through a written essay explaining their involvement in the community, their extracurricular activities throughout high school and their aspirations during their college experience and plans following. 

Percy Richardson Endowed Memorial Scholarship

The Donors wish to assist in providing educational opportunities to Native American college students at The University of North Carolina at Pembroke, an accredited four-year University. Candidate selections shall be based upon the following criteria: (1) first preference shall be to Native Americans who are affiliated with a State Recognized Tribe or Terminated Tribe (as evidenced by proof of Tribal enrollment) situated on the East Coast as far west as the Ohio state line, second preference shall be to Federally recognized Native Americans, and last option would be to other students seeking to secure a degree with emphasis on American Indian Studies; (2) no subject major preference unless the scholarship is not awarded to a Native American, in which case, the recipient would have to be seeking a degree with emphasis on American Indian Studies; (3) a minimum University standard QPA; (4) no preference to year of study and is renewable for three additional years (total of four years); and, (5) full-time undergraduate status. Applicant must carry at least 12-16 credits, depending upon the University’s requirements for full-time status. If a freshman, the recipient is required to utilize the scholarship within nine months after high school graduation. If the recipient experiences a medical or family hardship and withdraws from school, the recipient is required to return to school within one year in order to retain the scholarship.

William A. Roach/Lumberton Rotary Club Annual Scholarship*

The award was established in memory of William A. Roach, a charter member of the Lumberton Rotary Club. It is awarded annually to a deserving student who is a resident of Robeson County who is in financial need and has demonstrated scholastic and leadership abilities.

Beverly Russell Memorial Endowed Scholarship

The scholarship was established by the members of the Beta Pi Chapter of Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Inc. to honor the memory of Beverly Russell and her commitment to the ideals and values of Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Inc. and American Indian communities.

The recipients will be members of Alpha Pi Omega Sorority majoring in American Indian Studies.  Recipients must be full-time and maintain the minimum University standard QPA at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke.  Incoming freshmen as well as current students will be eligible, and may be undergraduate or graduate students.  Financial need will be considered.  The award is not renewable to the same recipient.  The award is given annually.

Rust Enterprises Annual Scholarship

The Donor wishes to make it possible for employees of Rust Enterprises’ McDonald’s to be eligible for a scholarship award that will assist them in their quest for higher education as students at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke.

A recipient of the Rust Enterprises Scholarship Award will be either an entering or enrolled student who is employed by Rust Enterprises, Inc.

To be eligible to receive the scholarship, the employee must be either entering UNCP and therefore accepted for admission in the coming fall term, or an enrolled student who matches UNCP’s requirements for graduation by maintaining a 2.0 GPA. The student must have been employed by Rust Enterprises, Inc., for at least 3 months, averaging at least 24 hours per week.

Saint Albans Masonic Endowed Scholarship*

The members of the Lumberton St. Albans Masonic Lodge established this scholarship to help deserving youth in Robeson County, North Carolina receive a quality education. Criteria for award of these scholarships include residency in Robeson County, North Carolina and a minimum University standard QPA. The recipient(s) shall demonstrate financial need, be in their freshman year of study and be registered as a full-time student. Two scholarships will be awarded with award occurring half in the fall and half in the spring. The scholarship is not renewable.

James A. Sampson Endowed Scholarship*

The Donor wishes to recognize James A. Sampson who devoted his life to education, his church and community projects and activities.  His life span covered most of the 1900’s which propelled the nation, community, and the University into its modern day existence.  His and many others’ participation in the affairs and activities of those years gave impetus for the path we traveled to reach our present position.  In 1936, he was selected as a member of the Board of Trustees for the Cherokee Indian Normal School and served for fifteen years.  More information is available in the James A. Sampson Endowed Scholarship file in the Advancement office.

The recipient shall be a resident of North Carolina and a full-time undergraduate with Minimum University Standard QPA at The University of North Carolina at Pembroke.  The recipient can be in any year of study and there is no preference to subject major.  Financial need shall be considered.  The award is renewable as long as funds are available and the recipient continues to meet the criteria as established.  The award is given half in the Fall and half in the Spring. 

Oscar R. Sampson Endowed Scholarship

Established by the family and friends of Oscar R. And Susie J. Sampson, this award is to be presented annually to a Native American student who has met all admission requirements to enroll, or who is currently enrolled at UNC Pembroke. The recipient must possess those qualities of integrity, leadership, scholarship, and service that Mr. Oscar R. Sampson held so dear. The recipient must be in need of financial assistance. The award will cover tuition and fees for the academic year.

R.E. Smith, Jr., and Cora T.Y. Smith Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship has been designated for an academically talented Native American student demonstrating financial need. Funded by the S.C. Dames of the XVII Century, this scholarship was established in memory of R.E Smith, Jr., and Cora T.Y. Smith. Mrs. Smith was a former member of many genealogical societies. She was well loved and respected by all who knew her.

Smith-Fields Endowed Scholarship

Richard and Patricia Fields wish to establish this scholarship to honor their parents, Mr. Dennis and Mrs. Nora Odom Smith and Mr. Raymond and Mrs. Joann Willis Fields.

The recipient of this scholarship will be a resident of North Carolina and a full-time undergraduate student with a Minimum University Standard QPA at The University of North Carolina at Pembroke. The recipient can be in any year of study and there is no preference to subject major. Financial need shall be considered. The award is renewable as long as funds are available and the recipient continues to meet the criteria as established. The award is given annually.

Staff Council Endowed Scholarship

Established to honor the staff and family members of UNCP staff in recognition of the many contributions to the life and growth of the University by staff members in every department.  The candidates for this award are full-time staff members (who have successfully completed probation) their dependents or spouse.  Staff Council members, (current and two years prior) or their dependents and spouses are not eligible to receive the Staff Council Endowed Scholarship.  Staff Council members, dependents and spouses will be eligible when they have not served three consecutive years on the staff council board.  Awards will be made in the Fall, Summer and Spring.  Only one award may be granted per person, per year.  Candidates shall be either full or part-time students, with preference given in the following order:  Staff Members who are undergraduates, dependents or spouses of staff members who are undergraduates, staff members who are graduate students and dependents or spouses who are graduate students.   Applications may be obtained from the Office of Financial Aid and are due June 1st for the Fall Semester, March 1st for the Summer Semester and November 1st for the Spring Semester.

Student Book Scholarship

This scholarship was established by donors who observed that students struggling to pay tuition and fees may be unable to afford their textbooks. Any student may apply for this annual scholarship through the Financial Aid Office.

Earl A. And Ophelia Thomas Endowed Scholarship

Earl A. Thomas graduated from Pembroke Indian Normal School (the predecessor to today’s UNCP) in 1934 while his wife Ophelia Thomas graduated in 1933. Named in their memory, this scholarship is awarded annually to two academically talented Native Americans, first preference to one male and one female, who demonstrate a need for financial assistance. Recipients must maintain a minimum 3.0 QPA and is renewable.

Larry Marshal Townsend Endowed Scholarship* (Not to be awarded until fully endowed)

The scholarship will be awarded to a full-time undergraduate student pursuing a degree in Political Science, Criminal Justice, American Indian Studies or Education.  The recipient will be a graduate of a high school in Robeson County, North Carolina.  The recipient will be a member of a state or federally recognized tribe with a preference to a member of the Lumbee tribe.  The recipient will have a minimum GPA of 3.0, in their Junior or Senior year of study, and demonstrate a financial need.  The scholarship will be renewable as long as the above criteria is met.  The scholarship will be awarded in the Spring.

Turbeville-Perritt Endowed Scholarship

The donor would like to assist students from UNCP to obtain a global experience, such as an opportunity to serve as an intern in one of these world-renowned organizations. This scholarship is intended to help the student(s) to pay airfare, room, and/or board for an international educational experience. The scholarship will recognize students who demonstrate commitment and dedication to getting a global education.

It is the Donor’s desire that those students who take advantage of this scholarship to study abroad will come to appreciate what it means to become a citoyen du monde (citizen of the world), and will dedicate themselves to helping to improve the human condition wherever in the world there is suffering and need.

This scholarship will be awarded to deserving full-time students in any major at UNCP who intend to study abroad. The student must maintain a minimum of 2.5 QPA and be adequately prepared by demonstrating an interest in the native language of the assigned country according to criteria developed by the Study Abroad Coordinator. Incoming freshman as well as current students will be eligible. The award is renewable provided the student reapplies and maintains qualified status.

UNCP 50th Class Reunion Gold Endowed Scholarship

On behalf of the UNCP alumni, the Donor wishes to establish an endowed fund into which all 50th Class Reunion participants, and their friends or family, can make contributions during their respective homecoming years. The Class of 1956 shall be the first 50th Reunion Class to contribute to this fund and shall therefore be credited with establishing this endowment in conjunction with the Office of Alumni Relations.

Candidates for award of this scholarship shall be either full-time or part-time, graduate or undergraduate students in any year of study, in any field or major and maintaining at least the minimum university standard QPA at The University of North Carolina at Pembroke. First consideration shall be given to candidates of demonstrated financial need who are not receiving federal grant assistance. There is no restriction of residency.

UNCP Bookstore Book Award

The donor wishes to help students in need of financial assistance to cover the cost of books by raising money from university departments to fund an annual award.  The recipients of the will be of any major, undergraduate or graduate.  The only requirement is financial need as determined by the Office of Financial Aid.  The award must be applied to the cost of course books.  The award will be made in the fall and spring semesters (possibly to different recipients) and is renewable.

UNCP Friends of the Library Dr. Raymond J. Rundus Book Scholarship Award

The Donors wish to establish The UNCP Friends of the Library Book Award, a non-endowed fund, to assist at least one or more undergraduate or graduate students per year at UNCP, depending upon fund availability. The purpose of this fund is to provide financial assistance with textbooks and/or course-related materials.

Candidates for consideration of this award shall be full-time or part-time Sophomores, Juniors, or Seniors at UNCP meeting a 3.0 minimum QPA standard restriction. Candidates may be pursuing a degree in any major. Candidates must demonstrate financial need and the award is renewable but candidates must reapply each semester.

When awarded, the award shall be $250.00 per student per award and shall be credited to the recipient’s account.

UNCP Friends of the Library Generalist Endowed Scholarship

The Donor wishes to establish the UNCP Friends of the Library Generalist Endowed Scholarship, an endowed fund, to assist at least one undergraduate student per year at UNCP, depending upon fund availability. The purpose of this fund is to provide financial assistance to an undergraduate student who is not the recipient of a merit scholarship.

Candidates for consideration of this award shall be full-time undergraduate students in the sophomore, junior, or senior year of study at UNCP meeting a 3.0 minimum QPA standard restriction. Candidates may be pursuing a degree in any major. Candidates do not have to demonstrate financial need, and the award is renewable, but candidates must reapply each semester.

When awarded, the award shall be $500.00 per student per award and shall be credited to the recipient’s account.

This scholarship is awarded annually. The deadline for scholarship applications is March 1. The applications are evaluated based on a point system established by the Board of Directors of the Friends of the Library and are judged by three members of that body and approved by the entire Board. Winners are announced and introduced at the annual benefit evening of the Friends of the Library, held during National Library Week in April. (addition)

Wilmington Police Recreation Association Scholarship Award

The recipient shall be a deserving member in good standing with the Wilmington Police Recreation Association.  Recipients shall be undergraduates-entering or enrolled.  The recipients should be majoring in Business Administration, Criminal Justice, English, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Criminal Justice or any other major approved by the Wilmington Police Recreation Association.  The award is renewable.  Applications may be obtained from the Wilmington Police Recreation Association or the UNCP Financial Aid Office.

Dr. Sylvester Wooten Omega Psi Phi Scholarship

The Donors wish to: honor Dr. Sylvester Wooten by establishing this scholarship in his name and provide financial assistance to members of Omega Psi Phi enrolled at The University of North Carolina at Pembroke.

The recipients of the Dr. Sylvester Wooten Omega Psi Phi Scholarship shall be XM members of Omega Psi Phi. If no recipient is identified within the organization for a given academic year, the award will be held until an academic year in which a recipient can be identified within Omega Psi Phi. The recipients must maintain a minimum 2.5 QPA and be of demonstrated financial need. There is no restriction of residency, major, year of study, or student status. The award is renewable if a new recipient cannot be identified.