Oct 18, 2024  
The University of North Carolina at Pembroke 2023-2024 Catalog 
The University of North Carolina at Pembroke 2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Rights and Responsibilities


Student Rights and Responsibilities

Every UNCP student is bound by the Student Code of Conduct. Upon enrollment, a student receives no sanctuary from obedience to the law. In addition to federal, state, and local laws that pertain to all citizens, a UNCP student must accept the institutional rules and regulations necessary to accomplish the purposes for which the institution was established. The student does not, however, lose constitutional or legal rights by an act of voluntary enrollment. The University of North Carolina Policy Manual (700.4.1) specifically refers to the important right of a fair hearing and due process. Federal and state statutes and court cases have established certain student rights which are not to be infringed upon, except in situations which are themselves outlined in law and court procedures. For the most updated version of this regulation about rights and responsibilities, please refer to: uncp.edu/pr/reg-113002-student-rights-and-responsibilities-regulation.

Code of Conduct Regulation

Any student whose conduct on or off campus becomes unsatisfactory and is determined to have a detrimental impact on the mission of the university will be subject to appropriate action through the Office of Student Conduct. No student will be permitted to graduate or officially withdraw from the university while disciplinary action is pending against him or her. All students are responsible for conducting themselves in a manner that helps enhance an environment of learning in which the rights, dignity, worth, and freedom of each member of the academic community are respected. All students must report, in writing, any federal, state or local criminal charges and/or dispositions of criminal charges to the Office of Student Conduct. For the most updated version of this regulation, please refer to uncp.edu/pr/reg-113001-student-code-conduct-regulation.

Responsibility to Report Criminal Violations and/or Dispositions

During the student’s period of enrollment at The University of North Carolina at Pembroke, should the student be subject to any criminal charge and/or any disposition of a criminal charge, on or off campus, the student must within two (2) business days notify the Office of Student Conduct in writing regarding the nature of the charge/offense and the disposition of the charge if applicable. The student does not have to notify the Office of Student Conduct regarding traffic-related misdemeanors unless the traffic-related misdemeanor involves alcohol or drugs (e.g. the students are not required to report a speeding ticket, but are required to report a Driving Under the Influence (DUI) ticket or Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) ticket). The student’s failure to do so will be grounds to deny or withdraw the student’s admission, or to dismiss the student after enrollment.

Student Discipline Records

The university maintains for every student who has received any discipline sanctions a written discipline record. The file shall include the nature of the offense, the penalty assessed and any other pertinent information.

Office of Student Conduct discipline files are housed in the Division of Student Affairs for eight (8) years and are then forwarded to the Registrar’s Office unless the sanction is suspension or expulsion. Suspension and expulsion files are kept in the Division of Student Affairs indefinitely. Students suspended or expelled for disciplinary infractions will be entered into the suspension/expulsion database at UNC General Administration and will be available to all UNC campuses.

Academic Honor Code violations resulting in conviction will be kept in the Division of Student Affairs for ten (10) years. Pertinent information involving these cases will be transferred to the Registrar’s Office immediately after verdict.

Student discipline records are confidential in accordance with federal and state laws. The contents of the student’s discipline record may not be revealed to anyone not associated with campus discipline except upon written request of the student or a court-ordered subpoena.

The University of North Carolina at Pembroke Drug and Alcohol Policy

The official Drug and Alcohol Policy can be found online at: uncp.edu/pr/pol-042501-drug-and-alcohol-policy.