Feb 13, 2025  
The University of North Carolina at Pembroke 2016-2017 Catalog 
The University of North Carolina at Pembroke 2016-2017 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services

Intercollegiate Athletics

The University of North Carolina at Pembroke excels in athletics in both men’s and women’s competition. Recognition is achieved through competition in the Peach Belt Athletic Conference, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA Division II). Seven men’s sports and eight women’s sports give UNC Pembroke recognition at the local, state, and national levels. Men’s varsity sports are sponsored in baseball, basketball, cross country, football, soccer, track and field, and wrestling while women’s sports include basketball, softball, volleyball, cross country, track and field, tennis, golf, soccer, and swimming and diving. In addition to varsity sports, the Athletics Department also provides support to the Spirit Program (cheer and dance).

The purposes of the intercollegiate athletic program at The University of North Carolina at Pembroke are to promote the roles of athletics in support of the stated mission of the University and to promote the education and development of students through participation in intercollegiate athletics. Such participation is seen as a direct contributor to “changing lives through education,” an experience which enhances and enriches the social and physical lives of students. The athletic program encourages broad student involvement and is committed to protecting and developing the physical and educational welfare of the student-athletes who participate as players as well as the students who participate as spectators.

Student-athletes are expected to strive toward becoming effective, contributing members of society, to be positive role models both on campus and in the university community, and to carry out their academic responsibilities as they follow a normal progression toward meeting requirements for a degree.

The Peach Belt Conference begins its twenty-sixth year as an all-sports conference this fall. In 1991, the conference held championships in men’s and women’s basketball, but now conducts championships in fifteen sports. As a conference, the Peach Belt has been very successful at the national level with thirty-sixNational Championships. UNC Pembroke has been very competitive in the Peach Belt Conference. UNC Pembroke’s history is steeped with a very rich tradition, while the University’s programs have seen success at the conference level and have advanced to compete at the national level.

Athletic grants‑in‑aid, as established by the NCAA, are offered in all of UNCP’s intercollegiate sports programs for both men and women upon recommendation of the head coach and approval of the Director of Athletics.

Sodexo Food Service

Dining is available to anyone who can present either cash or a BRAVES ONE Card. It is designed as an all-you-care-to-eat program with various food formats; however, meal plan participants are not permitted to attend one dining period, leave, and return to eat again during the same dining period. Once you enter, you have unlimited access to food items. More information on the various meal plans can be obtained from the cafeteria.

Students residing in a residence hall are required to purchase one of three meal plans (19, 14, or 10 meals). Nineteen meals are served each week in the Dining Hall, and anyone selecting the 19-meal plan can eat 19 meals each week. The 14-meal plan allows a student to eat any 14 of the 19 meals served each week, and the account includes $75 of Bonus Money for discretionary purchases. The 10-meal plan allows a student to eat any 10 of the 19 meals served each week, and the account includes $125 of Bonus Money for discretionary purchases.

Bonus Money is a declining balance account that allows meal plan participants to make purchases at the World of Wings Café and to buy meals for friends or family in UNCP’s Dining Hall by paying a “guest rate.” Bonus Money can also be used at Starbucks, located in the D. F. Lowry Building; Einstein Bagel and Papa Johns, located in the Health Sciences Building; and Jazzman’s, located in the Bookstore. Bonus Money does not carry forward from semester to semester.

All Resident Diner meal plans are valid seven days a week in accordance with the University Dining Calendar. A valid UNCP BRAVES ONE Card that is appropriately marked is required to be presented at each meal. BRAVES ONE Cards are nontransferable and can only be presented by the owner. If a customer misplaces or loses his/her meal card, the Dining Service should be contacted immediately. If the original card is not recovered, the student must pay a nonrefundable fee for a new card. These cards, as well as replacements, can be obtained from the BRAVES ONE Card Office, Auxiliary Services Building, Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM.

As well as accepting the BRAVES ONE Card, Sodexo now accepts Visa, MasterCard, and Discover at World of Wings Café.

Parking and Vehicle Registration

Each motor vehicle, including two‑wheeled vehicles, driven or parked on campus by students, faculty, or staff must be registered with the Traffic Office and must display a valid parking permit. Fees are established annually and appropriate notification is provided.

North Carolina Senate Bill 627 requires all students to submit proof of motor vehicle insurance prior to purchasing a parking permit. In order to comply with this legislation, students must provide the following: 1) Name of Insurance Company; 2) Policy Number of Insured; and 3) Certification that the insurance meets the minimum needs established by North Carolina: $30,000 for bodily injury to one person, $60,000 for bodily injury to two persons or more, $25,000 for property damage.

All students, faculty, and staff members are subject to traffic rules and regulations. It is each individual’s responsibility to obtain a copy of the Traffic Rules and Regulations when registering a vehicle. These regulations are strictly enforced by the campus police. Fines must be paid before any records will be released from the University. Conviction of a violation of the traffic laws while operating a vehicle on campus has the same effect on your driver’s license as a conviction for the same offense on the public highways. The speed limit on campus is 20 mph and is enforced.

It is a privilege and not a right for a person to keep or operate a motor vehicle on campus. Each student, faculty, or staff member must agree to comply with the traffic rules and regulations before keeping or operating a vehicle at The University of North Carolina at Pembroke. The University reserves the right to withdraw motor vehicle privileges from any person at any time.

All parking fines are due to be paid within fifteen (15) days of the issuance date, unless they are appealed within those fifteen days. If appealed, payment of assessments will not become due until notification of the Traffic Appeal Board to the person being assessed of its decision not to reverse the citation, at which time payment must be made within fifteen (15) days. Information regarding the Traffic Appeal Board is contained in the Traffic Rules and Regulations Handbook.

Reserved Parking: The University of North Carolina at Pembroke has set aside reserved parking spaces located throughout campus for which Faculty/Staff only may apply when submitting a faculty/staff permit application. These reserved spaces are issued on a yearly basis (August 31 until August 31 of the following year) and are issued on a first request, first issued basis. The permits can be purchased at a cost of $350.00. Any vehicle not properly registered for reserved parking areas will be subject to towing.

Preferred Parking for Qualifying Low-Emitting (LEV), Fuel-Efficient (FEV), and Alternative Fuel (AFV) Vehicles: To support UNCP’s sustainability goals and offer an incentive to reduce the campus’s carbon footprint, owners of qualifying LEVs, FEVs, and AFVs will be allowed to park in specially marked spaces near the entrance of some buildings on campus. This initiative will be introduced at the Health Sciences Building, a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver-certified building, and progress throughout campus, starting with all parking lots associated with LEED-certified buildings.

To park in one of these preferred spaces, a UNCP LEV decal is required. There is no additional fee for the LEV decal; however, one must purchase or have already purchased a current UNCP parking permit. Proof of vehicle registration, type of transmission (automatic or manual), and size of engine for the vehicle are required to verify qualification and receive a free LEV decal. Parking in one of these spaces without the decal will result in a ticket.

To see if a vehicle qualifies, students and employees can visit the Sustainability Office’s website at: http://www.uncp.edu/aboutuncp/administration/departments/sustainability-office. Electric vehicle charging stations will be incorporated into a percentage of these spaces as funding permits and demand increases. For questions about this initiative, contact Jay Blauser, Sustainability Director, jay.blauser@uncp.edu or 910.521.6509.

Traffic Violations: Violations of traffic laws on the campus of the University (excluding parking violations) are violations of the motor vehicle laws of the State of North Carolina. All moving violations are processed through the state court system. After a citation has been issued, the matter is in the court system and cannot be resolved at the University. Conviction for a violation of the traffic law while operating a vehicle on the campus has the same effect on the driver’s license as a conviction for the same offense on the public highway. The speed limit on campus is 20 mph on all public streets and 10 mph in parking areas and is enforced.

Traffic Appeals Board: The Traffic Appeals Board is appointed each year by the Chancellor. The board consists of two students, one faculty member, and one staff member. The Board has the authority to review violations to determine whether or not a violation has been properly established. The Board has the authority to void or reduce any citation when a violation of the Campus Traffic Regulations is not shown but does not act as a substitution for public authority when it applies.

The Traffic Office can be reached weekdays at 910-521-6795, or contact the University Police at 910-521-6235.