Jan 23, 2025
CSC 3380. Web Programming and Security (3 credits) In this course, students will gain experience with the programming techniques, technologies, and issues associated with the Internet. Topics include the HTTP protocol, web-servers, browsers, interactive web pages, and client-server computing. This course will also covers the topics related to security aspects of web (based on OWASP’s first 10); including, authentication and authorization, SQL injection, Cross-site scripting (XSS), Cross-site request forgery (CSRF), and Session hijacking, and defenses that have in common the idea of input validation, session management, HTTPS, etc. Provides an overview of techniques used in protecting web and assessing the security of web and identifying vulnerabilities. This is a project-oriented course in which students will be expected to develop secure web applications using a variety of programming languages. PREREQ: CSC 1850 or CSC 1900 and CSC 2260.
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