Mar 10, 2025
SED 4340. Diagnosing and Remediating Reading and Writing Problems (3 credits) This course is a continuation of RDG 3200 in the exploration of the use of reading, writing, spelling assessments to determine classroom intervention and instructional strategies for an advanced reader. It is designed to give teacher candidates the knowledge and skills to use systematic, explicit, multi-sensory methods to teach communication skills, reading, and written expression. It provides foundational information about stages of reading, spelling, and writing acquisition, factors that impact literacy success or failure, and the nature of literacy difficulties. This information serves as a context for learning about the implementation, administration, and interpretation of formal and informal classroom assessments for the purposes of screening, diagnosing, monitoring progress, and evaluating instruction. Field experience required. PREREQ: Special Education Majors: Admission to Teacher Education Program, SED 3310, SED 3320, SED 3350, and RDG 3200
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