Feb 15, 2025  
The University of North Carolina at Pembroke 2020-2021 Catalog 
The University of North Carolina at Pembroke 2020-2021 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Teacher Education Programs

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Teacher Education Program

Interim Dean: Zoe W. Locklear

Director: Karen Granger

Theme: Preparing professional educators who are committed, collaborative, and competent

Faculty: Mary Ash20, Latoya Brewer11, Danielle Chilcote7, Serina Cinnamon22,23, Kimberly Dial Sellers17, Melissa R. Edwards10, Irina Falls4,16, Kelly Ficklin5,6, Cynthia Giambatista34, Karen Granger1,33, Downi Griner3, Rita Hagevik21, Eun Hee Jeon9, Shenika Jones18, Mary Klinikowski28,29, Roger A. Ladd8, Ana Cecilia Lara25, Naomi Lifschitz-Grant2, Olivia Oxendine19, Kayonna Pitchford31,32, José Rivera13, Mabel Rivera35, Gretchen Robinson26,27, Thomas Trendowski14,15, Jennifer Whittington30, Summer Woodside24             

1Acad. Intell. Gifted (AO) 13Music Education (U) 25Spanish Licensure (U)
2Art Education (U) 14Health/Physical Education (U) 26Special Education (U)
3Art Education (G) 15Health/Physical Education (G) 27Special Education (G)
4Birth to Kindergarten (U) 16Pre-School (AO) 28Director of Assessment
5Elementary Education (U) 17Reading Education (G) 29Licensure Officer
6Elementary Education (G) 18School Counseling (G) 30Director of Teacher Recruitment and Retention
7English Education (U) 19School Administration (G, AO) 31Director of University-School Partnerships and Clinical Practice
8English Education (G) 20Science Education (U) 32edTPA Coordinator
9English as a 2nd Language (AO) 21Science Education (G) 33MAT Director
10Mathematics Education (U) 22Social Studies Education (U) 34Technology Coordinator
11Mathematics Education (G) 23Social Studies Education (G) 35Accreditation Coordinator
12 Middle Grades Educ. (U, G) 24Social Work (AO)  

(U) = Undergraduate; (G) = Graduate; (AO) = Add-On

Teacher Education Program Vision Statement

By holding ourselves to high standards of professional excellence and professional integrity, by caring for the personal and professional well-being of the teacher candidates in our undergraduate community and the career professionals in our graduate community, we will make sound judgments about the design and delivery of professional development programs in an environment of mutual trust and common commitment to public school children and their families.

Teacher Education Program Mission Statement

Believing that the quality of education directly influences the quality of life both for those served and for those serving, the UNC Pembroke Teacher Education Program has as its mission to develop and nurture competent and caring communities of public school professionals who dedicate themselves to the education and welfare of all students and whose understanding of the dynamic interrelationship among theory, practice, and reflection compels them to actively influence positive change with sensitivity and integrity. The UNCP Teacher Education Program shares the University’s commitment to academic excellence, cultural diversity, and lifelong learning within a balanced program of teaching, research, and service.

Teacher Education Program Diversity Position Statement

As part of the mission of the University of North Carolina at Pembroke in providing the setting and environment for the University experience, and to graduate students prepared for global citizenship and our multi-ethnic regional society, the Teacher Education Program at UNCP is committed to the development of educators who embrace the diversity of ideas, learning styles, racial, ethnic, and gender differences, and who possess the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to promote living and learning in a global society.  In order to accomplish this, the Teacher Education Program

  1. recruits students from among diverse backgrounds, cultures, and races;
  2. recruits faculties from among diverse populations who possess a knowledge base for teaching diverse populations;
  3. develops, teaches, and assesses a curriculum that embraces learning and teaching for diverse populations; and,
  4. provides (field) experiences and clinical settings which enable students to test, adapt, and adopt paradigms of learning for diverse populations.

Basic Tenets of the Conceptual Framework (Philosophy, Purpose, and Goals)

The UNCP Teacher Education Program is committed to the public school mission of preparing P-12 learners for full participation in a democratic society. We believe that all P-12 learners are entitled to the highest quality instruction, services, resources, and facilities that society can provide. UNCP’s primary responsibility in that noble effort is to prepare competent and collaborative professional educators committed to the democratic mission of public education.


Public schools exist for the purpose of making equal access a reality for all children of any race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, language, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or exceptionality.  Success in school is critical to the quality of future life for individuals as well as the health and vitality of our democracy. Therefore, professional educators-classroom teachers, specialists, administrators, and school counselors-significantly influence the shape of that future for P-12 learners in our public schools.  Such serious responsibility for the well-being of others requires an equally serious commitment from professional educators on several levels.

First, professional educators must be committed to the mission of public education in a culturally diverse, democratic society.  Professional educators respect the dignity of all children, their families, their cultures, and their communities and care deeply about each child’s academic success, health, and well-being.  Second, professional educators must be committed to rigorous standards for students.  Professional educators believe that all students can learn and set high expectations for all learners.  Professional educators create safe, secure, and supportive learning environments designed to meet the needs of diverse learners.  Third, professional educators must be committed to rigorous standards for themselves. They are personally invested in their professional work using continuous critical reflection to assess their effectiveness and guide professional development.  They are committed to lifelong learning and continuous growth over the span of a career.  Fourth, professional educators are committed to the profession.  They are proud to serve their communities as educational leaders and advocate for the profession in all interactions.  They affiliate with professional organizations at the district, state, and national levels.


Public education is a complex social institution whose stakeholders include local, state, and national governments, the general public, special interest groups, numerous national professional organizations, accreditation agencies, business partners, civic organizations, and millions of classroom teachers, administrators, service professionals, specialists, support staff, students and their families.  Collaboration among all of these stakeholders in public education is essential for success.  The UNCP Teacher Education Program nurtures the development of professional educators who understand the importance of collaboration for public schools’ success and who work productively with others in collaborative endeavors for the welfare of ­P-12 learners.

Professional educators must collaborate with others in the community of learners.  They create shared knowledge, work as a team on group projects in their classes, and develop a repertoire of cooperative learning strategies.  Professional educators must collaborate with other professionals in the school community.  They plan collaboratively with cooperating teachers, grade-level teams, resource teachers, and curriculum specialists, and embrace opportunities to team teach.  Experienced professionals lead collaborative efforts for school improvement.  Professional educators collaborate with students’ families and other caregivers.  They understand that the partnership between school and home enables the child’s success in school.  They communicate regularly with parents about what is going on in the school and invite them to actively participate in the school community.  Professional educators collaborate with others in the community.  They secure partnerships with businesses, civic organizations, nonprofit groups, and committed individuals in the district, state, and nation to support educational initiatives for the benefit of P-12 learners.


The UNCP Teacher Education Program prepares professional educators who are competent.  They possess the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to perform their entry level and advanced roles and responsibilities in the public schools effectively.  Competent professional educators promote positive learning outcomes for all students.  Understanding the critical connections among theory, research, and practice, they ground their work in a defensible, well-developed conceptual framework grounded in relevant theory, research, and evidence-based practice.  A competent professional educator is a reflective professional educator: such educators routinely use critical, evidence-based self-reflection to learn from direct experience and continuously improve their effectiveness.  Specifically, professional educators reflect on their practice, thinking systematically and critically about student learning to determine why learning happens and what can be done to improve student achievement. Toward this end, they collect and analyze student performance data to implement practice-related changes both to improve their teaching effectiveness and enhance student achievement, and adapt their practice based on classroom-based data and relevant research to meet students’ needs. They secure and use 21st-century technologies and skills to enhance student learning, service delivery, communication, and administration.  Competent professional educators embrace cultural diversity.  They know the students for whom they are responsible and how to accommodate the needs of diverse learners in a positive, caring environment.  They value the role of the family in the child’s education and work cooperatively with parents and other caregivers for the child’s benefit. Competent professional educators provide leadership wherever it is needed; they are always alert for opportunities to use their individual strengths to promote public education and those it serves.

Specific guidelines for defining professional competence are prescribed by the North Carolina State Board of Education, as the body authorized to govern licensure credentials for professional educators, and The University of North Carolina Board of Governors, the body authorized to govern the award of academic degrees for the University of North Carolina system. North Carolina State licensure requirements are aligned with the professional organization standards of the respective licensure area. Specific guidelines defining professional competence are also prescribed by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), the Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs (CACREP), and external accreditation agencies.

In summary, UNC Pembroke prepares committed, collaborative, and competent professional educators who are responsive to equity and diversity; who are knowledgeable, effective, and reflective; and who lead in the classroom, school, and profession.

Teacher Education Program Organization

The Teacher Education Program at UNCP is a cross-disciplinary program, guided by the Teacher Education Committee and administered by the Dean, School of Education. Some licensure areas or majors are housed in the School of Education and some are housed in their respective academic departments in the College of Arts and Sciences. Information about Teacher Education Program regulations and procedures, licensure and testing requirements, special programs, and resources appears in this section.

Teacher Education Committee

The Teacher Education Committee is the University-wide committee responsible for overseeing all teacher education programs. Its specific functions include establishing teacher education regulations , reviewing all proposed changes to teacher education curriculum, reviewing proposed teacher education programs, reviewing the professional studies component of the program, approving applicants to the Teacher Education Program, approving applicants for the professional semester, assuring compliance with state and national accreditation standards, and considering other matters related to teacher education. For a comprehensive description of the Teacher Education Committee  organization and function, see the Teacher Education Program Regulation Manual and the UNCP Faculty Handbook.

Accreditation and Licensure

All teacher education licensure programs are accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and the North Carolina State Board of Education. The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction issues licenses to serve in the public schools of North Carolina as teachers, school counselors, and administrators. The Professional School Counseling Program is also accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP).  Requirements for licensure are established by the NC State Board of Education and are subject to change. Accreditation provides for reciprocal licensure with other states that recognize interstate reciprocity agreements.


NC State Licensure Examination Requirement

All candidates for initial licensure in North Carolina must submit qualifying scores on the appropriate edTPA performance-based, subject-specific assessment. In addition, all candidates for licensure in North Carolina must earn passing scores on licensure exams as defined by current NC State Board of Education policy (note: current SBE policy does not require an exam for Birth-Kindergarten licensure). In the areas of Elementary Education or Special Education, candidates must earn satisfactory scores on the Foundations of Reading Test for North Carolina and Praxis Content Knowledge for Teaching (CKT) in Mathematics. All Middle Grades, Secondary and Special Education candidates must pass the designated Praxis II specialty area test(s). Middle Grades and Secondary candidates must pass the Principles of Learning and Teaching or exempt with a passing edTPA score.  See the program coordinator or director for information about licensure exam requirements.

Candidates should begin their application for the license immediately following internship. Candidates must have their scores sent directly to the University and the NC Department of Public Instruction by the testing company. Candidate copies are not accepted. Applications and information about the licensure requirements are available at the Educational Testing Service website at www.ets.org, NC Foundations https://www.nc.nesinc.com, edTPA https://www.edtpa.com/.

Special Resources and Facilities

The John H. and Maria J. McCrimmon Education Curriculum Lab: The Curriculum Lab, housed in the Educational Center, includes the Teacher Resource Library and is an essential part of the Teacher Education Program. It contains professional and instructional materials supporting all licensure programs in the Teacher Education Program. The Curriculum Lab has textbooks used in P - 12 schools with supporting technological resources, teaching units, North Carolina Standard Course of Study, instructional media and equipment, professional journals, curriculum outlines, Praxis Core review materials, and equipment and resources for the construction of instructional materials.

Regulations and Procedures Applicable to Undergraduate Initial Teacher Licensure Programs

Standards for Undergraduate Initial Teacher Licensure Programs

The Teacher Education Program is designed to prepare all undergraduate candidates to meet or exceed the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards adopted by the Teacher Education Committee in collaboration with public school partners. 

Curriculum for Undergraduate Initial Teacher Licensure Programs

The program of study, or curriculum, for undergraduate teacher education majors is comprised of four components: General Education, Content (major), Professional Studies core, and Content Pedagogy. A fifth component, academic concentration, is required in some programs of study (see following section). The General Education component includes study of the fine arts, literature, history, philosophy/religion, the social sciences, the natural sciences, mathematics, and physical education. The Content (major/licensure area) component is designed to provide in-depth understanding, skills, and knowledge specific to the chosen specialty/licensure area. The Professional Studies core component includes study of the historical, social, psychological, and philosophical foundations of education; human growth and development; ethics; learning theories; curriculum; instruction;  exceptional, diverse, and at-risk children; content area literacy; and the integration of instructional technology. The Content Pedagogy component is designed to help the candidate learn how to teach content to public school students at the targeted age and grade level. The culminating professional development experience for prospective teachers is the senior internship (student teaching) under the direct supervision of a master teacher in a clinical setting.

Outlines of the requirements for each program area (major) follow and may also be found in the catalog sections for the respective academic departments.

Special Requirement for Undergraduate Initial Teacher Licensure Programs:

Academic or Professional Concentration

As required by the Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina, all students seeking a baccalaureate degree in Elementary Education or Health and Physical Education must complete an academic or professional concentration in a basic academic discipline as part of their degree requirements. A student must have a minimum cumulative QPA of 2.0 in academic and professional concentration courses to receive credit for the concentration. The 18‑27 hours comprising these academic and professional concentrations have been selected to provide students with a cohesive study of a basic academic discipline. Academic and professional concentrations are available in American Indian Studies, Art, Biology, English, Exercise and Sport Science, Geography, Geology, History, Mathematics, Music, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Reading, Spanish, Special Education, and Sociology. Students may choose a second major of 30 hours in Philosophy and Religion rather than an academic or professional concentration. Academic and professional concentration requirements are listed with the respective department.

Declaration of Major and Advising

As soon as the student decides to major in teacher education, a Declaration of Major Form should be completed, including securing the required signatures, and submitted to the Office of the Registrar in Lumbee Hall. The form is then processed, and an advisor in the chosen program area is assigned. A major advisor is critical to a student’s timely and efficient progress through the Teacher Education Program.

Admission to the Teacher Education Program

The Teacher Education Committee selectively admits and periodically evaluates students in the Teacher Education Program on the basis of scholastic aptitude and suitability for teaching. Admission into the University as a student does not automatically satisfy eligibility requirements for admission to the Teacher Education Program. Eligibility for admission into the Teacher Education Program will be determined by regulations current at the time initial application is made for admission into the program.

To be eligible for consideration by the Teacher Education Committee and approved for admission to the Teacher Education Program, each candidate must:

  1. Have not more than 9 hours of the General Education requirements remaining.
  2. Have earned a B- (2.7) or better in EDN 2100 (Introduction to Education) or the approved equivalent course.
  3. Have earned a grade of at least “C-” (C if the course is repeated) in all required professional studies core, content pedagogy, and content courses completed at the time of admission, with the exception of EDN 2100, which requires a grade of “B-.”
  4. Have at least a 2.7 cumulative Quality Point Average (QPA) on a 4.0 scale on all prior college/university course work.
  5. Meet the state established scores on Praxis Core, SAT, or ACT. An official copy of the scores must be sent to UNCP. Students must meet the scores in effect at the time they apply to and qualify for admission to the Teacher Education Program [see next section for details].
  6. Satisfactorily complete an admission interview after completing all the above requirements.
  7. Complete a Candidate for Professional Licensure (CPL) form. CPL forms are available in the School of Education Licensure Office and on the School of Education website.

Students with disabilities who may require special accommodations should consult their program coordinator and/or the Dean of the School of Education.

Students should apply for admission to the Teacher Education Program when all of the requirements for admission have been met. Applications are available in the School of Education Licensure Office and on the School of Education website. (LIMITED PROGRESSION NOTE: Formal admission to the Teacher Education Program is a prerequisite for enrollment in many professional studies core, content pedagogy, and content courses.)

Students will receive written notification from the School of Education that their application for the Teacher Education Program is approved or disapproved by the Teacher Education Committee. A student is not considered admitted to the Teacher Education Program until such notification is received.

Testing Requirement for Admission to the Teacher Education Program

State law requires that an undergraduate student seeking a degree in teacher education must attain passing scores on a pre-professional skills test prior to admission to an approved teacher education program in a North Carolina college or university. Students seeking admission to the Teacher Education Program must satisfactorily complete the Praxis Core Series, which includes subtests in reading, writing, and mathematics, or achieve the state established scores on the SAT or the ACT that allow individuals to be exempt from Praxis Core testing requirements. Students must meet the required scores in effect at the time they apply to and qualify for admission to the Teacher Education Program. The School of Education must receive an official copy of the scores before the student may be admitted to the Teacher Education Program. Student copies of scores are not acceptable. For more information about testing requirements or other requirements for admission to the Teacher Education Program, students should contact the School of Education.

Continuation in the Teacher Education Program

If a candidate earns a course grade lower than “C‑” in a professional studies core, content pedagogy, and content course; if a candidate’s quality point average falls below a 2.7; or if a candidate’s application for admission to the Professional Semester of the Teacher Education Program is disapproved for any reason, the candidate is suspended from the Teacher Education Program. Candidates suspended from the program may not continue to progress in the program until the deficiencies are corrected. Required professional studies core, content pedagogy, and content courses in which a grade lower than a “C-” was earned must be repeated and a grade of “C” (2.0) or better must be earned.  Upon correction of the deficiencies, candidates suspended from the program must request reinstatement in writing from the School of Education. *Note: pending TEC approval

Enrollment in the Professional Semester

Enrollment in the Professional Semester is the culminating experience of the UNCP undergraduate Teacher Education Program. To be eligible for consideration by the Teacher Education Committee and approved for enrollment in the professional semester, each candidate must:

  1. Be formally admitted to the Teacher Education Program one full semester (excluding summer sessions) prior to the professional semester.
  2. Have not more than six (6) hours remaining of degree requirements at the beginning of theprofessional semester, excluding those required in the professional semester.
  3. The remaining hours shall not include professional studies core or content pedagogy courses. If the remaining hours include content courses, the courses must be approved by the Program Coordinator and the Dean of the School of Education.
  4. Upon approval by the Program Coordinator and Dean of the School of Education, the remaining hours taken during the professional semester must be scheduled at the conclusion of the school day, online or during weekends.
  5. Have an overall quality point average of 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale) or better as well as a 2.5 or better in the candidate’s major field of study.*Note: pending TEC approval

Two full semesters prior to the internship, each candidate must complete the professional semester enrollment documents, including but not limited to the following items:

  1. Application for the Professional Semester.
  2. Advisor’s Recommendation for Professional Semester form signed by the candidate’s advisor, program coordinator, and respective department chairperson.
  3. Proof of professional liability insurance.

One full semester prior to the internship, update the professional semester enrollment documents, including but not limited to the following item:

  1. North Carolina Public School Health Examination Certificate and the UNCP Health Services Verification form.

Candidates with disabilities who may require special accommodations during the Professional Semester should contact the Director of University-School Partnerships and Clinical Practice.

A candidate is not officially enrolled in the Professional Semester until such notification is made AND all University registration procedures are completed.

Removal from an Internship Placement

When all reasonable attempts to rectify an unsatisfactory situation fail, the following options may be considered:

  • Change of placement
  • Voluntary withdrawal (grade of “W”)
  • Failure of internship (grade of “F”) or involuntary withdrawal (grade of “W”)
  • Extension of placement (grade of “I”)

The Dean of the School of Education selects an appropriate resolution in consultation with the vested parties to include, but not limited to: public school representative(s) from the host school district, the intern’s Program Coordinator, the University Supervisor, the Director of University-School Partnerships and Clinical Practice, and the intern. The vested parties may recommend the assignment of “withdrawal,” “fail,” or “incomplete” for the internship semester to the professor of record for (a) change of placement, (b) failure or involuntary withdrawal, or (c) extension of placement. The University is in no way obligated to support or accommodate an intern whose conduct violates professional ethics or codes of conduct as defined by the Code of Ethics for NC Educators and the Teacher Education Program Candidate Standards. (See current Student Intern Handbook for additional information.)


Students must apply for graduation. Applications, which are available in the Registrar’s Office, must be submitted at least two semesters before graduation (April 1st of the year prior is the deadline for December graduation; November 1st of the year prior is the deadline for May graduation). Application for graduation is a University policy, separate from any Teacher Education Program regulations and procedures.

Time Limit Regulation

See program coordinator for current information.

Residency Requirements for Teacher Education Programs

Undergraduate students enrolled in one of the licensure programs in teacher education at UNCP will complete a minimum of 30 semester hours (2 semesters) of course work at the University prior to enrollment in the professional semester.

Transfer Credit for Professional Education Courses

Upon the review and approval from the School of Education, up to nine (9) hours transfer credit may be granted for education courses. For each course for which transfer credit is sought, the student must furnish an official transcript from the institution at which the course was taken. Transfer credit will be accepted only from two- and four-year colleges and universities with teacher education programs approved by at least one of the following: (1) North Carolina State Board of Education; (2) National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE); (3) Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC); (4) the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP); or (5) appropriate accepted institutional accreditors. Accepted institutional accreditors include but are not limited to the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Higher Learning Commission (HLC), Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE), Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU), Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), and WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC).  Other US Department of Education recognized national accreditors which are not listed above may also be considered acceptable. 


Undergraduate Licensure Programs

NOTE: Students who desire teacher licensure in any one of the programs outlined below should declare the major as soon as possible in their college career. Consultation with the Program Coordinator or program advisor prior to registering for General Education courses is strongly recommended.

Art, Art Education Licensure (K-12) Track, B.A.  

Birth-Kindergarten Education (B-K), B.S.   

Elementary Education (K-6), B.S.  

English, Secondary Education (9-12) Emphasis, B.A.   

English, Middle Grades Language Arts (6-9) Emphasis, B.A.   

English as a Second Language Add-On Licensure  

Health/Physical Education (K-12), B.S.  

Mathematics, Secondary Mathematics Education Track (9-12), B.S.   

Mathematics, Middle Grades Mathematics Education Track (6-9), B.S.   

Music Education (K-12), Vocal Emphasis, B.M.  

Music Education (K-12), Instrumental Emphasis, B.M.  

Music Education (K-12), Keyboard Emphasis (Vocal Orientation), B.M.  

Music Education (K-12), Keyboard Emphasis (Instrumental Orientation), B.M.  

Science Education, Biology (9-12) Concentration, B.S.  

Science Education, Chemistry (9-12) Concentration, B.S.  

Science Education, Earth Science (9-12) Concentration, B.S.  

Science Education, Physics (9-12) Concentration, B.S.  

Science Education, Middle Grades Science (6-9) Concentration, B.S.  

History, Social Studies Education, B.A.    

Spanish, B.A. with Teacher Licensure (K-12)  

Special Education (K-12), B.S.   

School Social Work Licensure (Bachelor’s Level)  

Academically or Intellectually Gifted (AIG) Education Add-On Licensure  


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