Feb 06, 2025
The University of North Carolina at Pembroke 2019-2020 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Computer Science, General Track, B.S.
The Math and Computer Science Department of the School of Arts and Sciences is currently requesting permission to offer a new Cyber Security track within the existing Computer Science Degree program. This is the title change request of the existing degree program from Computer Science to Computer Science, General Track.
Freshman Seminar: 1 Sem. Hr.
Major-Specific General Education Requirements
NOTE: Prospective Computer Science majors should start with MAT 1090 as their first General Education elective. MAT 1070 and MAT 1080 or MAT 2210 may be used in place of MAT 1090. Computer Science majors must take PHY 1500 or PHY 2000 and one course from Biology, Chemistry, or HON 1500 to satisfy the six hours of Natural Science requirements in General Education. Major Requirements: 51 Sem. Hrs.
and Four courses from the following list
(at least one must be a 4000-level course) Note:
Students planning to attend graduate school in Computer Science should take: Other electives: 12 Sem. Hrs.