The General Military Course (GMC) is an introductory level course dealing with mission, organization and function of the U.S. Air Force, and with development of air power into a prime element of national security. The GMC is developmental in nature and is designed to motivate and prepare cadets for entry into the Professional Officers Course (POC). The standard GMC is a two‑year course in Aerospace Studies (ARS). The first year is designated ARS 111 and 112 and the second year ARS 211 and 212. The GMC totals approximately 120 clock hours consisting of a suggested 60 hours of academics and 60 hours of Leadership Laboratory.
The POC subject matter includes a study of the United States armed forces’ role in contemporary society, and the role of the professional officer as a member of society along with theoretical and applied leadership management and communicative skills. The POC is designed to prepare cadets for active duty as Air Force officers. It is a two‑year course of instruction in Aerospace Studies (ARS) and is normally designated ARS 311 and 312 for juniors and ARS 411 and 412 for seniors. The POC totals approximately 240 clock hours, i.e., 120 hours per year consisting of 90 hours of academic and 30 hours of Leadership Laboratory.
Leadership laboratory provides cadets with practical command and staff leadership experiences through performing various tasks within the framework of the organized Cadet Corps. Leadership Laboratory accounts for 120 hours of the 360 hours normally allocated to Aerospace Studies.
Field Training is an off‑campus training program held at Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, AL, during the summer before cadets enter the POC. All cadets attend a four‑week encampment. The Flight Instruction Program is an integral part of the Air Force ROTC program. The course is offered to a limited number of highly qualified ROTC cadets who are within 24 months of established commissioning date.
Uniforms and textbooks for Air Force ROTC are provided by the Federal Government. All students enrolled in the final two years of Air Force ROTC are under contract. Students under contract or scholarship receive a subsistence allowance of $300 per month for ARS 100 students, $350.00 per month for ARS 200 students, $450.00 per month for ARS 300 students, and $500.00 per month for ARS 400 students. A limited number of selected students enrolled in the Air Force ROTC program may qualify for scholarships. All scholarships pay the subsistence allowance, fees, tuition, and an annual textbook allowance.
During the four weeks of the Field Training Encampment, all students receive pay and travel allowance.
Students may transfer credits received in other ROTC units established under the provisions of the National Defense Act. ROTC credits may be used as free electives. Prior to commissioning, a student must complete requirements for and receive a baccalaureate degree (or higher degree.) Each student must satisfactorily complete a course in mathematical reasoning prior to receipt of a commission; a list of these courses is available in the Aerospace Studies office.
Students enrolled in the program under a four‑year AFROTC Scholarship must satisfactorily complete a 3‑credit hour course in English composition prior to the end of the GMC tenure to maintain scholarship entitlement. GMC cadets receiving scholarships of less than four year duration will have two academic years from scholarship activation to complete the English composition requirement; English composition courses satisfying this requirement are listed in the Aerospace Studies office.