Mar 10, 2025
REL 4990. Independent Study (1-3 credits) A student who wishes to enroll in REL 4990, Independent Study, must: (1.) be classified as a senior, (2.) have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better in the major area of study, (3). Request independent study in the major area, and (4.) submit a Request for Approval of Independent Study in triplicate to the Office for Academic Affairs. The form can be obtained from the Department Chair responsible for the student’s major area of study. It must be approved by the professor supervising the student in independent study; the Department Chair; the Registrar; and the Office for Academic Affairs. The student may elect to work for one, two, or three semester hours of credit. Upon completion of the independent study, the student must prepare a written report of the study in triplicate. If the supervising professor feels it is appropriate, the report will be catalogued and permanently housed in the Library.
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