Mar 02, 2025
The University of North Carolina Pembroke 2014-2015 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Pre-Licensure BSN, B.S.N.
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Pre-Licensure BSN Option
The Pre-licensure BSN option is 4½ years in length and encompasses two phases. The first phase is comprised of 62 semester credit hours of lower-division work (liberal arts and nursing prerequisites) which may be completed at any regionally accredited college or university but must be comparable to those offered at UNCP. The broad educational background in the physical, social, and behavioral sciences afforded by this phase provides the foundation for the nursing major. The second phase is comprised of 62 semester credit hours of upper-division work in the nursing major and is completed within the Department of Nursing. Taken during the junior and senior years, these courses are designed to prepare the baccalaureate nurses for practice in a variety of settings.
Admission to the Department of Nursing is very competitive. Admission to UNCP does not guarantee admission to the Department of Nursing. Applicants must be eligible to return to all educational institutions previously attended. Students are admitted to the baccalaureate nursing program at the upper division level. Lower division courses must be completed before beginning nursing courses. The first nursing courses begin in the second summer session preceding the junior year. The nursing curriculum includes both didactic and clinical experiences for students to develop a beginning level of competency and independence in the provision of quality professional nursing services, across the life span, for individuals, families, groups, and communities. Integrated throughout the nursing curriculum are concepts and skills most critical to the delivery of professional nursing services to culturally diverse rural populations.
The Bachelor of Science in Nursing will be awarded to students who successfully complete both phases of the requirements for the degree. Degree recipients will then be eligible to take the NCLEXRN® licensure examination administered by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing. A registered nurse (RN) license will be awarded upon a successful “Pass” on NCLEX-RN® and satisfaction of other Board of Nursing licensure requirements.
Admission Requirements
- Admission to UNCP by meeting general requirements for admission as a regular degree-seeking student.
- Successful completion of all 62 hours of general education nursing core (46 hours) and pre-requisite nursing major (16 hours) courses with a grade of C or better prior to Summer Session II of the year of admission.
- A cumulative GPA of 2.8 (4.0=A). Each student’s total GPA is calculated on all transferable college courses attempted at all accredited institutions of higher education according to the UNCP Admissions Office guidelines.
- A cumulative GPA of 2.8 in the following mathematics and science courses: MAT 1070 or higher, BIO 2110 , BIO 2120 , BIO 3150 , CHM 1400 , CHM 1410 , CHM 1120 , and CHM 1130 .
- Physical, mental, and emotional health that enables a student to participate in and complete the program (see departmental policies).
- Submission of a supplemental application to the Department of Nursing by January 15 of the year they plan to enter the BSN program. All applicants will be notified of acceptance status no later than March 15.
Academic Standards for Progression
The following requirements must be met in order to progress in the nursing program:
- Maintain a cumulative grade point average of C (2.0) or higher.
- Achieve a grade of C or higher in each nursing course before proceeding to next nursing course.
- Receive a P (pass) grade on the laboratory or clinical component of each nursing course that has either laboratory or clinical experience. A grade of F (fail) in any laboratory or clinical component will result in an F for the course.
- Only one nursing course may be repeated one time during progression in the nursing program.
- Maintain current CPR certification, TB (or x-ray) testing, evidence of Hepatitis B vaccination, health insurance, and malpractice insurance while enrolled in the nursing program.
- Adhere to all policies of the University, Department of Nursing, and clinical agencies.
Major-Specific General Education Requirements
General Education and Support Courses: 62 Sem. Hrs.
Arts and Humanities: 12 Sem. Hrs.
General Education Electives: 3 Sem. Hrs.
Social Sciences: 9 Sem. Hrs.
Natural Sciences/Math: 11 Sem. Hrs.
Physical Education: 2 Sem. Hrs.
Anatomy and Physiology: 8 Sem. Hrs.
Microbiology: 4 Sem. Hrs.
Health Technology and Informatics: 1 Sem. Hr.
Required Nursing Courses: 62 Sem. Hrs.
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