Jan 26, 2025  
The University of North Carolina at Pembroke 2024-2025 Catalog 
The University of North Carolina at Pembroke 2024-2025 Catalog

School of Education

Dean: Tracy Mulvaney
Associate Dean: Lisa N. Mitchell

The School of Education administers the Educator Preparation Program (EPP) at The University of North Carolina at Pembroke. The EPP supports degrees and add-on programs leading to an initial teaching license including the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Music, and Bachelor of Science degree with the following majors (program areas): Art Education (K-12), Birth-Kindergarten Education (B-K), Elementary Education (K-6), English Education/Language Arts (9-12, 6-9), Mathematics Education (9-12, 6-9), Music Education (K-12), Health/Physical Education (K-12), Science Education (9-12, 6-9), Social Studies Education (9-12, 6-9), and Special Education (K-12) as well as add-on licensure programs in Academically or Intellectually Gifted (AIG), Preschool, and School Social Work. Program Areas are housed in the School of Education, the College of Arts and Sciences, and the College of Health Sciences. The EPP also supports Master of Arts in Teaching degrees leading to initial licensure, degrees, and programs leading to advanced licensure at the graduate level.

The School of Education also has four departments: Counseling, Educational Leadership, Specialized Educational Programs, Early Childhood, Elementary and Literacy Studies. The Department of Counseling offers graduate degrees in the Master of Arts in Education in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and the Master of Arts in Education in Professional School Counseling. The Department of Educational Leadership offers a graduate degree in School Administration (M.S.A.). The Department of Aerospace Studies prepares cadets for active duty as Air Force Officers through the General Military Course (GMC) and the Professional Officers Course (POC). The Department of Military Science offers the Army ROTC Basic and Advanced Courses which lead to second lieutenant commissions in the U.S. Army. The Department of Specialized Educational Programs offers the Bachelor of Science degrees in Health and Physical Education (K-12), Special Education (K-12) and graduate degrees in Middle Grades Education (M.A.Ed.), Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) degrees in Art Education (K-12), Birth-Kindergarten, Elementary Education (K-6), English Education (9-12, 6-9), Mathematics Education (9-12, 6-9), Health/Physical Education (K-12), Science Education (9-12, 6-9), Social Studies Education (9-12, 6-9), Spanish Education (K-12), and Special Education (K-12). The Department of Early Childhood, Elementary and Literacy Studies offers the Bachelor of Science degrees in Elementary Education, Birth-Kindergarten Education and graduate degrees in Elementary Education (M.A.Ed.), and Reading Education (M.A.Ed.).

For more information about graduate programs in education, see The Graduate School    section of this catalog.

Department of Early Childhood, Elementary, and Literacy Studies

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Department of Educational Leadership

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Educator Preparation Program

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Department of Specialized Educational Programs

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Academic Concentration

