Mar 31, 2025  
The University of North Carolina at Pembroke 2024-2025 Catalog 
The University of North Carolina at Pembroke 2024-2025 Catalog

Financial Aid and Scholarships

Financial Aid


General Information

The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships is dedicated to helping students and parents obtain the financial aid necessary to pay for a college education at UNCP. The Financial Aid Office is located on the second floor of Lumbee Hall. This office coordinates a variety of State, Federal, private, and institutionally funded aid programs, each with different regulations and requirements. While most of these programs require students to demonstrate financial need, there are loan programs available to help students and parents which are not need based. All students requesting consideration for any type of financial aid, including loans, must apply each year. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) should be completed each year, listing the University of North Carolina at Pembroke as the school of choice. The federal school code is 002954. The web address for the FAFSA is The application should be submitted prior to our priority deadline of March 15 to allow time for processing so awards can be made before Fall Registration.

To be eligible for financial assistance a student must have a high school diploma or GED; be enrolled as a regular student in an eligible program; be a U.S. Citizen or eligible non-citizen; have a Social Security number; make satisfactory academic progress; and not be in default on any federal loan or owe a refund on a federal grant. Financial aid is awarded based on academic achievement and demonstrated financial need. The first responsibility of financing a student’s education rests with the student and the student’s family. A student’s parents are expected to contribute towards his or her expenses as they are able from income and assets. A student is expected to provide funds for his or her own education through savings, summer work, and other resources. Each student is individually considered based on the family financial situation.

The information provided on the UNC Pembroke Office of Financial Aid web site explains the programs offered to assist with students’ college expenses, details the eligibility requirements for these programs, and describes how to apply for them.

Scholarships, Awards, Grants, Loans

Scholarships and Awards

Institutional scholarships, including endowed scholarships, are provided by donors to the University: Friends, alumni, corporations, and foundations have provided funds to aid students in the pursuit of academic achievement. A wide range of endowed scholarships is available, some with specific restrictions.

For application information, students are encouraged to visit the on-line scholarship portal Brave ASSIST at

Vocational Rehabilitation Scholarships

Students who have disabilities which constitute vocational handicaps are eligible for scholarships from the North Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Department. For information, qualified students should write to the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, Raleigh, NC


Grants are provided by state and national agencies.

North Carolina Grants

Funds for grants allocated by the North Carolina Legislature are made available on an annual basis to residents of North Carolina in attendance at UNC Pembroke. These grants vary in amount according to students’ demonstrated need.

Federal Pell Grants

This program is for students who have financial need. The U.S. Government establishes the amount of financial assistance a student may receive under the Pell Grant Program based on need. These grants are awarded upon enrollment in good standing in an institution of higher education. To apply for a Pell Grant a student must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants

The purpose of this program is to provide Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants to students who have demonstrated exceptional need and who would be unable to enter or remain in college without such assistance. The grant may be renewed for each year of undergraduate study for a period of up to four years if the student continues to qualify for assistance.  To apply for a Supplemental Grant, a student must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Federal Teach Grants

A Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant is different from other federal student grants because it requires you agree to complete a teaching service obligation as a condition for receiving the grant, and if you don’t complete the service obligation, the TEACH Grant will be converted to a loan that you must repay, with interest.

The purpose of this program is to provide grants to students who are enrolled in eligible programs of study and who plan to pursue a teaching career in a high need field.   To apply for a Teach Grant, a student must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).


Federal Direct Loan Program

Subsidized: Based on financial need, these are low-interest loans with the U.S. Department of Education as the lender. Loan limits are based on need and grade level.

Unsubsidized: These loans are not based on need. Interest accrues to the borrower beginning on the date of disbursement. The borrower is responsible for the interest during in-school and deferment periods.

PLUS: A parent of a dependent undergraduate student can borrow a Parent PLUS loan.  The parent must have good credit.

A Graduate student can borrow a Graduate PLUS loan.  The student must have good credit.  Interest accrues to the borrower beginning on the date of disbursement.  The borrower is responsible for the interest during in-school and deferment periods.

Students must be enrolled for at least six (6) semester hours to be eligible to borrow a loan.

All students must submit the FAFSA form to be considered for a loan.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy for Financial Aid

The federal financial aid programs at UNCP are authorized under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. The Act states that a student must maintain satisfactory academic progress in the course of study s/he is pursuing, according to the standards and practices of the institution at which the student is in attendance. The federal Title IV programs include Federal Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants, Federal Work Study, Federal Stafford Loans (subsidized and unsubsidized), Federal Perkins Loans and Federal PLUS loans. For purposes of consistency and equity among all students, UNCP applies the following standards to all students receiving federal Title IV aid and all students receiving any other financial aid, including institutionally and state funded sources.

All students (full time, part time, graduate and undergraduate) who wish to qualify for financial aid while attending UNCP must meet certain standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). These standards include a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA), a minimum credit hour completion rate and the completion of a degree or program of study within a maximum number of credit hours.

For purposes of determining satisfactory academic progress status and eligibility for financial aid, a student’s academic record is evaluated at the end of each Spring semester and at the time s/he applies for financial aid. If a student has a break in enrollment or is suspended or dismissed, then his/her SAP will be reviewed upon the student’s return to UNCP. This evaluation will include a student’s entire academic record at UNCP and will compare the student’s academic record to the standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress. These standards are applied to all semesters or terms during which the student was enrolled, regardless of whether the student received financial aid for those prior terms of enrollment.

Students who fail to meet one or more of the SAP standards at the time their progress is reviewed are not eligible for financial aid, including summer terms. The Office of Financial Aid will notify students of their failure to meet the standards of SAP. Each student is responsible for knowing his/her own status, whether or not s/he receives this notification. Students may view their SAP status via BraveWeb or by contacting the Office of Financial Aid.

Minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA):

Undergraduate students’ cumulative grade point average (GPA) must meet the University standards of a 2.0 for all attempted hours.

Graduate students must maintain a cumulative GPA based upon the number of credits attempted as follows:

Number of Attempted Credits Minimum Cumulative GPA
0-9.999 2.0
10-20.999 2.4
21-27.999 2.7
28-Above 3.0

Financial aid eligibility will be canceled immediately for any student who is academically suspended or academically dismissed. Students remain ineligible for financial aid during the dismissal or suspension period.

Minimum Credit Hour Completion Rate:

All students must earn a minimum of two‐thirds or 67% of the credit hours that they have attempted including transfer hours. To determine a student’s credit hour completion rate, divide the total earned credit hours by the total number of credit hours attempted at UNCP.

Example: The student below has earned 82 credit hours at UNCP and transferred in 62 earned hours for a total of 144 earned credit hours. This student has attempted 109 hours at UNCP and transferred in 62 attempted hours for a total of 171 attempted credit hours. Divide 144 (earned credit hours) by 171 (attempted credit hours). This student’s credit hour completion rate is 84%.

  Attempted Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA
UNCP 109 82 82 90 202.90 2.254
Transfer 62 62 62 0 0 0.000
Degree 171 144 144 90 202.90 2.254

Completion of a Degree or Program of Study within a Maximum Time Frame:

Each student has a maximum time frame during which s/he can receive financial aid. To remain eligible for financial aid at UNCP, undergraduate and graduate students must complete their degree program requirements within 150 percent of the published length of their degree program. All attempted hours are counted, including transfer hours, whether or not financial aid was received, or whether or not the coursework was successfully completed.  As we perform our annual review of each student’s Satisfactory Academic Progress, if it is mathematically impossible to graduate within 150% of the academic program length, students are ineligible for financial aid.

As an example, if an undergraduate degree program requires 120 semester credit hours to complete, then a student is eligible for financial aid during the first 180 attempted credit hours. (120 x 150% = 180 maximum attempted credit hours for financial aid eligibility).

A student’s academic load is determined at the end of the drop/add period each semester. If a student reduces his/her course load below the minimum, the Office of Financial Aid must be notified, and some aid funds may have to be repaid. The student is responsible for notifying the OFA if a reduction occurs or is contemplated.

Undergraduate Second Degree Students

A student working toward a second or subsequent baccalaureate degree is expected to make the same satisfactory progress and enroll for the same minimum course load when receiving financial aid as that stated above. The number of hours is not reset based on completion of a prior Undergraduate degree.


To earn hours at UNCP, a student must receive a grade of A, B, C, D, or P including + or ‐. All other grades including F, I, W, AU, NR or T do not earn hours.

Withdrawals, Incompletes, Audited Coursework

Withdrawals and incompletes are considered attempted but not earned hours.  These grades are not included in the GPA calculation, but they are included in both the minimum credit hour completion rate and maximum timeframe calculations. Therefore, withdrawing from classes after the drop/add period or receiving incomplete grades will negatively affect the student’s ability to maintain satisfactory academic progress.

Audited courses are not considered as attempted nor earned credits.  Financial aid is not awarded for audited courses.

Repeated Coursework

If a student repeats a course, both the original course and the repeated course will count toward attempted and earned credit hours. Both attempts will also count in the GPA calculation in accordance with the University’s Repetition of Coursework policy. Students should be aware that financial aid may not cover all repeated courses.

Most financial aid programs will cover only one repeat of a previously passed course. Students considering repeating a previously passed course are strongly encouraged to consult with the Office of Financial Aid regarding repeated coursework.

Regaining Eligibility for Financial Aid

Students who have failed to meet one or more of the SAP requirements are not eligible for financial aid. However, financial aid eligibility may be regained if:

  • The student raises his/her cumulative GPA to the minimum standard as defined in this Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy requirements through hours earned at UNCP within the student’s program of study (without financial aid);
  • And/or, the student’s credit hour completion rate has been brought up to the standard as defined in this Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy requirements by successfully completing coursework within the program of study at UNCP (without financial aid).
  • And/or, the student appeals his Satisfactory Academic Progress following the appeals process and receives an approval from the departmental or committee level.

Appeals Process

Students who do not meet satisfactory academic standards will be subject to a strict monitoring policy and appeals process with the intention of moving the students toward academic progress and graduation. Student grades will be reviewed at the completion of the spring semester to determine eligibility for the following academic year unless the student has a break in enrollment or is suspended/ dismissed, then SAP will be reviewed at that time.

The monitoring policy and appeals process is as follows:

Financial Aid Probation - If a student does not meet satisfactory academic progress, s/he will be denied his/her financial aid. The student will be allowed to appeal this decision by submitting an appeal which must include:

  1. An attached academic plan that, if followed, will ensure that the student is able to meet this SAP policy by a specific point in time. A staff member from the Center for Student Success will meet with the student to complete the Financial Aid Academic Progress Improvement Plan that outlines how tutoring or other support services provided by the University will be used to help assure academic improvement in the future, and will report on the student’s compliance with the plan at the end of the probationary semester(s).
  2. A detailed description of the extenuating circumstances that occurred during the time frame in which the student failed to meet this policy.
  3. All necessary documentation to support the existence of the circumstances described in #2 and what steps are being taken to resolve the situation.

Events/circumstances that merit an appeal include, but are not limited to:

  • Personal or family emergency
  • Death or extended illness of an immediate family member which results in greater family responsibilities for the student
  • Unanticipated, serious medical difficulty (excluding chronic conditions - students are responsible for properly balancing school work with known chronic conditions)
  • Serious psychological difficulty

Documentation Required:

Documentation must be provided with your appeal for it to be considered by the Committee. Examples of documentation include, but not limited to, the following:

  • Grade Reports that show academic progress
  • Email documentation from faculty, staff or administration that documents your situation
  • Letters from SHS (Student Health Services), CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services), PCP (Primary Care Physician) and/or CARE Team: These do not need to explain your issue but they can confirm the situation that required you to request an appeal.
  • Correspondence from Housing and Residence Life staff that document your situation
  • Police Reports and/or Landlord Reports
  • Work Schedules and/or Letters from Employers explaining the situation
  • Students on Max Time Frame (150%) need to provide an educational plan from their advisor indicating:
    • Anticipated Graduation Date
    • How many credits student needs to complete degree
  • Any documentation that will explain why you are not making Satisfactory Academic Progress

The appeals and all attached documentation will be reviewed by a committee. If a student’s appeal is approved, s/he is subject to the probation requirements as follows:

The Center for Student Success will advise the student about which category the student is required to adhere to;

  1. GPA requirement:
  • No earned grades below a C (including a C‐)
  • No incompletes (grades of I)
  1. Completion Rate requirement (Pace Requirement):
  • No withdrawals (grades of W)
  • No incompletes (grades of I)


Students seeking to reestablish eligibility for financial aid by submitting an appeal remain ineligible for financial aid or deferment of payment until the appeals process is complete and a decision has been determined by the department or SAP committee. Students should be prepared to pay tuition, fees and other educational expenses until s/he has been approved to receive financial aid.

If a student’s appeal is not approved, that student will not be eligible for financial aid. A student whose appeal has been denied cannot appeal again unless there are material changes in his/her academic record.  Material changes to an academic record may include, but are not limited to, processing grade replacements, clearing an incomplete, successfully attending another institution and transferring the credit back to UNCP, or attending a semester at UNCP at the student’s own expenses and meeting all three of the SAP standards.

Now in Good Standing Appeals - Students who take classes out of pocket or transfers in hours from other institutions can submit a Now in Good Standing Appeal if they are now in good financial aid standing. Students must be meeting both the undergraduate or graduate GPA requirements and 67% completion rate (Pace) to be eligible to submit this type of appeal. These appeals are usually submitted when the Financial Aid Office is between SAP processes.

Change of Majors

All hours attempted regardless of major changes will be included in the SAP calculation.

Student Employment

The student employment program assists eligible students pay University expenses while attending classes. Students participating in the program are employed with many departments on campus, including the Maintenance Department, Library, Administrative and Departmental Offices, and Laboratories. A student’s work schedule will depend upon class schedules and can be arranged by the student and the student’s work supervisor. These jobs provide learning opportunities as well as financial aid.

The Federal Work-Study Program is a need-based federal assistance program. To participate in the program, a student must complete the FAFSA. An hourly wage is paid to students. As part of a condition for employment, a student must sign up for direct deposit.

All opportunities for on-campus student employment are listed with the University Career Center.

Veterans’ Benefits


Veterans, Active Duty, and Family Members

All Veteran and Military Educational Benefits are coordinated and submitted through the UNCP Academic and Military Outreach (AMO) Office.  Contact the UNCP AMO office at 910.775.4438 or the Veterans Affairs Regional Office at 888.442.4551 for information on applying for educational benefits.

Veteran Transfer students receiving VA benefits under Chapter 30, 33, and 1606 complete VA Form 22-1995 (Request for Change of Program or Place of Training at

Disabled Veterans Chapter 31, Title 38, Veteran Readiness and Employment, will have their university fees paid directly to the university by the U.S. Government.

Students eligible under Chapters 30, 35 and 1606 will pay fees at the time of registration and receive a monthly education and training allowance from the Department of Veterans Affairs. 

Students eligible under Chapter 33 will have to notify the VA School Certifying Official of their intent to use benefits for sponsorship where VA pays tuition & fees based on eligibility percentage, directly to UNCP and will receive a book stipend and monthly housing allowance (not applicable to Active Duty members or spouses)

Active Duty, National Guard and Reserve service members may receive federal Tuition Assistance.  Service members can contact their Education Services office or UNCP AMO for assistance.

Veteran Readiness & Employment Program (Chapter 31)

Veterans who enter the University under Chapter 31, Title 38, U.S. Code, Veteran Readiness & Employment Program for Disabled Veterans, and have the approval of the Veterans Administration will have their University tuition & fees paid directly to the University by the U.S. Government.

GI Bill

Veterans eligible for the G.I. Bill, Chapter 30, must apply at, for their benefits. For information regarding eligibility, or application forms, contact the Department of Veterans Affairs at 888.442.4551 or the UNCP Academic & Military Outreach. Veteran transfer students using the G.I. Bill should complete VA Form 22-1955, Request for Change of Program or Place of Training, prior to the time they plan to transfer. This form  is available online by accessing 

Veterans eligible for the Post-9/11, Chapter 33, must submit an application at, for their benefits, prior to the time they plan to use their benefits. The Post-9/11 GI Bill provides financial support for education and housing to eligible service members and/or family members. A veteran must have received an honorable discharge to be eligible for the Post-9/11 GI Bill.

Once the service member or family member enrolls, he/she must attend classes regularly to continue receiving benefits and must notify the UNCP School Certifying Official in the Academic and Military Outreach Office of any changes in program or enrollment status.

NC National Guard Tuition Assistance Program (NCTAP)

The North Carolina National Guard Tuition Assistance Program (NCTAP) provides tuition assistance for active members of the North Carolina Army or Air National Guard. Assistance for tuition to qualified members of the North Carolina National Guard is subject to the availability of funds and varies from semester to semester. Members must have a minimum obligation of two years remaining as a member of the North Carolina National Guard from the time of the application; or extend membership for an additional two years or more from the time of application. For further information please contact the North Carolina National Guard Education Services Office:

NCTAP Email:

NCTAP Phone Number: (704) 391-4426

Veteran Dependents

The North Carolina Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (NCDMVA) Scholarship for Children of Wartime Veterans was created to show appreciation for the services and sacrifices of North Carolina’s war veterans. The scholarship program applies to North Carolina schools only. Children of certain class categories of deceased, disabled, combat, or POW/MIA veterans are encouraged to apply. Scholarship recipients may receive financial assistance to cover full tuition and fees at UNCP. An applicant must be under the age of 25 to be eligible. For information and to apply, visit:

Chapter 35, Title 38, U.S. Code provides for the training of sons, daughters, spouses, and widows of veterans who either died in service; who died as a result of a service-connected disability; who became permanently and totally disabled as a result of a service-connected disability; or who have been listed as missing in action, captured, detained, or interned in line of duty by a foreign government or power.

Students using the Chapter 35 Dependents Education Assistance benefit are responsible for paying or making payment arrangements to cover tuition and fees at the time of registration. These students receive a monthly education and training allowance from the Veterans Administration. Since the first check is usually delayed, a veteran or dependent should request benefits as early as possible.

Transfer of Post-9/11 (Chapter 33) GI-Bill Benefits to Dependents (TEB) will assist a spouse and or child with educational expenses. Upon approval, family members may apply to use transferred benefits with VA by completing VA Form 22-1990e. This form should only be completed at and submitted to VA by the family member after DoD has approved the Active Duty or Veteran members request for TEB. VA Form 22-1990e cannot be used to apply for TEB.